There is no musical score in the entire film, only 'diegetic music', meaning from sources existing in the fictional world of the narrative itself.
The main character, Romeo, appears in every scene.
The film is comprised of only 83 shots, with an average shot length of around 1 minute and 30 seconds.
An alternative title that was considered for the film was "Recycled Feelings".
In a 2017 interview with Vox, Cristian Mungiu spoke about the significance of a wordless scene in the film where Romeo cuts an apple as his wife sits smoking in the background: "When I was shooting the scene, people were asking me, 'What's the meaning of this, why are we shooting this?' I said, 'Look, let's just shoot it, and you will figure it out later.' Not like later in the editing, but later, when you reach 50. Just shoot it now. Mind your own life, and you will see this later on. You'll know this is it."