10 reviews
- javierl-87541
- Apr 27, 2016
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- messiamatthews
- Jan 17, 2022
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Open Season Scared Silly or Open Season 4, is a bad movie, I was barely hoping that this film was good, but nope, is bad, I understand that the budget is low, but I'm not judging animation, because that doesn't import, is the history, is boring, and slow, with some Poop Jokes and a Synopsis bad, bro, a Manwolf, a Cam history, that is very... (WHAT) and ridiculous, the final battle is acceptable for me, the beginning is actually good, Shaw comes back and I like that, boog is hilarious and Elliot is not so annoying, but in general, I JUST recommend you this movie if you are not exigent, but hey, I didn't finish, there is an scene of the characters going ina. Lava Trip in a mini car, what is that, is a bad movie, but I enjoyed some parts, it's Boring and Entertaining at the same time, and that is ok, it have emotive moments but not development, as I say this film has very good things, but that doesn't make movie good, but is not horrible at least for me, I give to this film an 5.3/10.
Don't need a lot of words for this one. My 5 year old nephew doesn't even like this. I never saw a 5 year bored while watching an animated movie. I seriously wounder what were they thinking. Considering they were thinking at all. The original cast is gone, meaning we have no attachment to the film. I can just fill these lines with words but I still won't know why they made another Open Season. Just close the season and be done with it, please. Never has a fan asked you so nicely... From one fan to another, don't waste your time watching this movie. You could rather watch a Donald Trump speech over and over again. It is more entertaining than this excuse of a movie. Don't mean to be harsh but I feel offended by this movie...
Sigh, another day, another Open Season sequel. That also means another day that Sony opens up it's wallet, throws whatever small amount of money they can in other studio's faces and tells them "Go make an Open Season sequel but with less of the good humour. Oh and none of the actors from the other films."
At this point though, Sony must have honestly given up.
Too content with making really huge blockbusters *coughcoughStinkers*, they decided the baton must be passed to the Canadians. And thus nearly all of the production was done in Canada, the animation (done by Rainmaker Entertainment, same ones who did Reboot back in the Mainframe days and Ratchet & Clank), the voice acting (who actually do a much better job then anyone in the 3rd film though it's nothing to run home and shout about), maybe even the writing was done by Canadians.
Too bad then that ever since the 3rd sequel, the franchise has ditched the word "Funny" and decided a bunch of measly Christmas cracker jokes would do instead... oh and poop jokes too, lots of em. Therefore you probably won't be laughing at anything these critters say but you'll instead be thinking "How the devil are Sony still making these?".
And the plot's a load of codswallop too, the whole film is basically Elliot trying to scare the living daylights out of Boog.
Yeah, would have worked as an 8 minute cartoon, a 10 minute episode of a show or even a 22 minute TV special. But as an 87 minute film, paah ha ha ha ha you're having a laugh there chums! There's only so much they can do with this kind of material and by the time the mystery of whatever that Werewolf Elliot keeps talking about is finally revealed, the only thing you'll be doing is checking your watch.
So yeah Open Season: Scared Silly. Not as bad as the other films I've seen so far (hence why it gets the 3 rating) but still Sony, this season has gone on far enough and little old me says it's time to close it for good and let the animals have peace for once.
Then again, Sony's probably not caring since they're rolling around in money like Scrooge McDuck. Beats me.
At this point though, Sony must have honestly given up.
Too content with making really huge blockbusters *coughcoughStinkers*, they decided the baton must be passed to the Canadians. And thus nearly all of the production was done in Canada, the animation (done by Rainmaker Entertainment, same ones who did Reboot back in the Mainframe days and Ratchet & Clank), the voice acting (who actually do a much better job then anyone in the 3rd film though it's nothing to run home and shout about), maybe even the writing was done by Canadians.
Too bad then that ever since the 3rd sequel, the franchise has ditched the word "Funny" and decided a bunch of measly Christmas cracker jokes would do instead... oh and poop jokes too, lots of em. Therefore you probably won't be laughing at anything these critters say but you'll instead be thinking "How the devil are Sony still making these?".
And the plot's a load of codswallop too, the whole film is basically Elliot trying to scare the living daylights out of Boog.
Yeah, would have worked as an 8 minute cartoon, a 10 minute episode of a show or even a 22 minute TV special. But as an 87 minute film, paah ha ha ha ha you're having a laugh there chums! There's only so much they can do with this kind of material and by the time the mystery of whatever that Werewolf Elliot keeps talking about is finally revealed, the only thing you'll be doing is checking your watch.
So yeah Open Season: Scared Silly. Not as bad as the other films I've seen so far (hence why it gets the 3 rating) but still Sony, this season has gone on far enough and little old me says it's time to close it for good and let the animals have peace for once.
Then again, Sony's probably not caring since they're rolling around in money like Scrooge McDuck. Beats me.
Wow. Not much to say. I really scary movie. The jokes don't work and the even the kids did not like it. Technically OK but content wise a disaster. So rather watch some old Disney movies instead of Open Season 4. Anyhow I am wondering how this series made it up to 4 episodes already. And also the current average rating of 5.2 does not reflect the real quality of the film also knowing that everyone's opinion is quite subjective. This was one of the films where even the kids wanted to go out the cinema earlier. And usually they rather prefer watching commercials instead of getting away from the screen. Compared to Arlo and Spot...miles behind.
- maniac-24414
- Mar 18, 2016
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The animals gather around a campfire. Elliot tells a scary story about the legend of the Wailing Wampus Werewolf. Boog is the only scared one. Elliot decides to scare the fear out of Boog. With Open Season gone, Shaw has turned into a sightseeing tour guide. When the scare effort goes overboard, Shaw and his clients become convinced of a werewolf. They convince Gordy to reopen Open Season, but only for werewolf.
Open Season is a second tier franchise and this is its Halloween TV movie episode. I like these characters although they are mostly light weight comedy. The franchise fits nicely on the small screen and that probably allowed it to start a TV series. I like the spooky woods and wouldn't mind staying there.
Open Season is a second tier franchise and this is its Halloween TV movie episode. I like these characters although they are mostly light weight comedy. The franchise fits nicely on the small screen and that probably allowed it to start a TV series. I like the spooky woods and wouldn't mind staying there.
- SnoopyStyle
- Jul 19, 2024
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- masterekblasterek
- Sep 20, 2021
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Its time, Sony! Stop!! There are many reasons why I despise this movie! 1: All characters from Open Season 3 has disappeared! Even Elliot and Giselles kids are gone! 2: Timberlake is back, but, the characters are more boring. 3: Why does boog shake his butt in a plane wheel? 4: Why is boog afraid of werewolves?? 5:cringe.
Don't watch this movie.
Don't watch this movie.
- martinezr-11775
- Aug 9, 2017
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And not only is it the worst of the series, it is even one of the worst movies I have seen in my entire life! Not even 2 was that bad !!! This movie is so bad like the others that I even wonder if it was made that way on purpose !!! Now Mr Wenie has no charm (he was one of the few characters that had some charm left after the first movie), and worst of all is that in addition to the story as always it is still cliche and predictable, with forced humor , now try to allude to nostalgia and put characters from 1 !!! Like Shaw or the Sheriff. And these also lost all their charm!!! Shaw in the previous one for example was super intimidating and very badass, but in this one he was super dumb. The same as with the other characters. Beth is the only one who does not appear (at least not physically), which does not surprise me, since she was the only character in the entire franchise who was 100% kind and serious, that it would not make any sense to pass her through the movie filter like Open Season 2 and 3. Also characters like Ursa or Elliot's children do not appear! Not that I cared much, because they were very bad characters, but it did not have a logical continuity, so I investigated on wikipedia, and indeed, Open Season 4 is a prequel to 2. But there are several problems with this. First, they do not make it clear at any point in the film, second that this decision seems super strange to me and more considering that the history of the last three is terrible, and finally and the one that will take the longest to explain: This makes me doubting the continuity of the entire series, for a simple detail, a detail that the developers forgot and that ruins the whole story. Mr. Wenie in Open Season 4 still wants to be with the owners of him..... WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!! In Open Season 1 and 2 (in the latter until the end of the film), they make it clear that Mr. Wenie does not want to live with his owners anymore, he wants to live the wild life. So if Open Season 4 is a prequel to 2, why does Mr. Wenie still want to be with the owners of him? Now I don't know if this movie is a sequel to 3 or a prequel to 2 !!!! This movie is disgusting wherever you look, it tries to do "many things" and in the end it does not achieve anything. The way it is made, it looks like fanfiction.... OFFICIAL FANFICTION !!! They just want to abuse the nostalgia of the fans !!! The guys who made this movie knew that 1 was the best and they ruined three great characters by trying to appeal to nostalgia in the process!!!! THIS IS ONE OF THE WORST MOVIES I HAVE SEEN IN MY LIFE !!!! And since I've seen a lot of very bad things lately, THAT IS SAYING A LOT!!!!! Not only is the movie bad, IT IS INSULTING! I FEEL OFFENDED VIEWING HER FOR THE ABUSE OF NOSTALGIA!!!
- sebastianali123
- Jun 22, 2021
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