Actor Christian Bayerlein was born with a severe disability called Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA). He has a diploma in computer science and works as a web developer at the German Federal Archives. He lives in Koblenz, Germany, and was the Honorary Disability Officer of Koblenz for five years until 2015. Because of his participation in provocative art and his intimate interviews - available online in German - concerning his sexual life as a disabled person, the ruling political party CDU was against his re-election. On his personal website '' Christian writes about himself: "I'm a nerd, loving Science and Science Fiction - especially 'Star Trek'. I travel a lot, seeing the world is one of my big passions. I love to hang out with friends and go to the cinema as well as enjoying arts and culture."
The film project took 7 years from the first concept to the premiere.
Shot without a traditional screenplay or written dialogue.
Shot in 10 weeks between 2015 and 2017.
Touch Me Not (2018) is the first part of a research and art project by Adina Pintilie, that will be created for several platforms.