A mysterious gate suddenly appears in Ginza, Tokyo, through which an army launches an attack. In the aftermath, a Japanese military force is formed and deployed through the gate.
The US Black Ops team arrives at the Inn, along with the Chinese and Russian Black Ops teams, leading to a three-way firefight which Rory soon joins, ending with everyone besides Rory dead.
The Alnus refugee camp develops into a town, attracting more people and becoming a trading center for goods from Earth. An elf comes seeking help from the JSDF to stop a dragon.
Itami's group heads to the Magic City of Rondel, where Lelei plans to hold a presentation to her fellow mages. Meanwhile, the Emperor becomes sick and his cruel son Zorzal takes the throne.
Zorzal creates a secret police to maintain control and silence any JSDF allies. Sherry Tyueri rushes to meet her lover, JSDF ambassador Kouji Sugawara for asylum.