Any self respecting British citizen with a bent for the supernatural knows about Harry Price. To see any production on film or television with his name attached instantly gets the knowing excited. This is, as regards this ITV production, more a curse than a blessing.
When Guy Ritchie re-imaged Sherlock Holmes, the most striking thing was that his Holmes and Watson could actually be any buddy buddy duo, the famous names are incidental in that it sells the premise. The same is the case here, this really could just be a British paranormal investigator of his own accord, instead of the makers attributing the Price name just to make an appealing heading.
The pic is a decent spooker, nice period design, safely written - and even though Rafe Spall as Price is oddly cast - it's decently performed. It plods at times, veering close to being boorish with its paranormal literary kinks, but for those without any affinity to the real Harry Price then this is a good watch. Those who who do know their Price onions, on the other hand, will only be left disappointed. 6/10