At exactly one hour in, when a school kid throws a beverage can at the car windshield and Mildred comes out of her car, the windshield is completely clean a few seconds later.
When Dixon is talking to Mildred on the swings, in alternating shots, he flips back and forth from resting his shoulder forward on the swing chain to leaning back on the chain.
Just under the 39 minute mark, Penelope (Samara Weaving) has her hands clasped together under her chest in a long shot. This then immediately cuts to a mid shot where her hands are waist level.
When Dixon is at home lying on the sofa and talking to his mother, he has a sandwich in his hands but on the next shot he only has a piece of ham.
When she first went to the advertising company about the billboards, she was never told how much it would cost per month but she just thrust five thousand dollars out for the first month. Frankly, that is way, way more than those boards are worth. Just doesn't make sense but it keeps carrying through the film.
Dixon and his mum talk about the South being different now. They live in Missouri, which is part of the Midwest, not the South of the USA.
Dixon is on a gurney in the hospital. His view from behind the bandages indicate that he is lying flat on his back. Next shot shows him being wheeled into his room. He is sat upright in the bed.
There are no dressings under Dixon's dressings on his face. Burns are treated with fatty gauze or similar to keep the wounds moist and help the healing of the skin.
At the beginning of the movie, when the mother is driving by the billboards, and then backing up, and then going forward again, the head above the driver's headrest changes height from where the actual actress' head reaches - driving double.
When the mail assistant hands Red the envelope of money she is heard talking but when the camera pans to her she is not moving her lips.
During the "window" sequence, Dixon smashes said window with his baton. But after he's finished and putting his baton away there's another CG effect of glass shards that fly toward the camera.
There are no mountains in Missouri like those in the film. Even in the Ozarks deep in southern Missouri, the mountains are much rounder.
If there was any investigation as to who firebombed the police station, and the cops must have had a strong suspicion as to who had motive, it wasn't apparent.
Dixon recovered way too soon from major burns like that.