No way! Twins in the business of renovating and selling houses? Wow. Why hasn't someone thought of this before...? Oh, wait. They already have, it's called The Property Brothers Buying and Selling! Can you smell the plagiarism yet from the comfort of your sofa?
So it's twin sisters instead of brothers. Whoopee. Other than that this is such a weak, generic rip-off of the original idea. They couldn't even be bothered to try to improve upon the original concept. They seem happy to just hang onto the coattails of the already proven formula. The sisters try to emulate the goofy camaraderie the brothers use (except the brothers actually have some charm). They use the same outline of helping some family that has outgrown their current house and need help bringing said house up to market speed so they buy a bigger one (except the brothers make it interesting). These sisters just ramble through the same plot format, and I'm so captivated by it all that I was motivated to write this review during the episode. I don't even care how the renovation turned out, or which house they chose to buy -- and I'm usually pretty OCD about that. I'm giving them a two because they showed up, but that still might be too generous.