Ben Whishaw credited as playing...
Michael Banks
- Michael Banks: [after Georgie opens the door to reveal Mary Poppins's entrance; he stares partially open-mouthed] Mary...
- Jane Banks: Poppins!
- Mary Poppins: Close your mouth, please, Michael, we are *still* not a codfish.
- [he does so, then Jane giggles briefly]
- Mary Poppins: Jane Banks, still rather inclined to giggle, I see.
- [she sets her carpet bag down on a small couch]
- Michael Banks: Good heavens, it really is you! You seem hardly to have aged at all!
- Mary Poppins: *Really*? How incredibly rude! One *never* discusses a woman's age, Michael. Would have hoped I taught you better.
- Michael Banks: I'm sorry, I didn't mean...
- Jane Banks: [interuppts] You came back! I thought we'd never see you again.
- Michael Banks: It is wonderful to see you!
- Mary Poppins: [primping herself in the mirror] Yes it 'tis, isn't it?
- Balloon Lady: Why don't you go first, sir?
- Michael Banks: Me? Oh no, those days are long behind me. I haven't held a balloon since I was a child.
- Balloon Lady: Then you've forgotten what it's like.
- Michael Banks: To hold a balloon?
- Balloon Lady: To be a child.
- Jane Banks: [to the children] When your father and I were young, we used to imagine Mary Poppins could do all *sorts* of impossible things! Those things didn't really...
- Michael Banks: Happen?
- Jane Banks: No, of course not.
- Michael Banks: Ridiculous.
- [They say this oblivious to the fact that Mary Poppins is sliding up the bannister again behind them]
- Michael Banks: Did you have something to do with them trying to save the house?
- Mary Poppins: I never said a word. It was all the children's idea.
- Michael Banks: The whole time I've been looking after them, they've been looking after me. I had it all backward.
- Mary Poppins: A Banks family trait.
- Michael Banks: What was I thinking?
- Mary Poppins: Some people think a great deal too much. Of that I'm certain.
- Ellen: [about the visiting lawyers] The wolves are at the door.
- Michael Banks: What do they want?
- Ellen: Well, a good thrashing, if you ask me.
- Michael Banks: [as he gazes at the snow globe of St. Paul's Cathedral, then bringing out his and Jane's kite] I honestly can't remember why we kept most of this stuff to begin with. Why on earth did we save this old, broken thing?
- Jane Banks: [snatching the kite away then smiling and gazing at it] Don't you remember that kite? We used to love flying that with Mother and Father.
- Michael Banks: Well, it won't fly anymore. Out it goes; no looking back.
- Michael Banks: [tearfully to Georgie, Anabel, and John] We're about to lose our home! Everything's fallen to pieces since your mother...
- Georgie Banks: Father, Aunt Jane, come quick! Quickly!
- Michael Banks: [as he and Jane enter from upstairs] What is it, Georgie?
- Jane Banks: Did something happen?
- Georgie Banks: I was flying the kite, and it got caught on a nanny!
- Jane Banks: Whatever are you talking about?
- Georgie Banks: [taking Michael by the hand and leading him and Jane downstairs] Come, come look!
- Michael Banks: Wait, where did you get that kite?
- Georgie Banks: I found it in the park.
- [he opens the door to reveal Mary Poppins]
- Georgie Banks: *She* kept it from blowing away.
- Michael Banks: [o Wilkins] Don't you dare criticize my children! Don't you dare! They're not lying and you know it! If only I believed them sooner. So, go ahead, take the house! I have everything I need right here.
- Ellen: How exactly am I supposed to make breakfast when there's nothing in the larder but pickled herrings and marmalade?
- Michael Banks: The groceries. I meant to go yesterday.
- Ellen: Very well. Pickled herrings for breakfast and marmalade for lunch.