7 reviews
Legend Quest is a fun and incredibly imaginative show. The animation and voice acting is very good. It has a number of inconsistencies in the writing and the pacing is a little odd at times. Watching the first episode, we felt like we had missed something or been dropped into the third episode instead. The only real problem I had was it never explains some questions that seemed to demand answers, but I will let you decide that for yourself. Despite its shortcomings, the charm of this show comes from the broad scope of tying together legends from across the world and getting inspiration from folk lore from many different cultures throughout time. In a world that is currently reeling from its differences, Legend Quest looks at how that world is steeped in mystery and wonder through the eyes of our children.
Funny that this is actually a lot better than that awful legend quest : masters of myth. The animation style on this one looks much cleaner and appealing for adults and the tone on this cartoon much darker which fit well with the universe/world building. Character design looks much better (still alebrije looks disgusting and annoying) and few good sound scores - giving a very halloween spooky kind of vibe.
Although previously i reviewed that the voice castings were terrible for the main characters on LG : Masters of myth, suprisingly they sound good on here, fit well with characters look and attitude. Not sure whats going on with this franschise as i kept encountering multiple version of it, for me this animation style suit better with the characterisation and the storyline (the plot still wonky tho but not as bad as the other one). The flow of the story wasnt smooth (escalating, rushed) and many cringey line/moments but i will give it a pass. Great monsters and lores.
Good intro song - very gravity falls meet the martin mystery and ben 10. Great characters development and action scenes. Great villains and world building. Highly recommended.
Although previously i reviewed that the voice castings were terrible for the main characters on LG : Masters of myth, suprisingly they sound good on here, fit well with characters look and attitude. Not sure whats going on with this franschise as i kept encountering multiple version of it, for me this animation style suit better with the characterisation and the storyline (the plot still wonky tho but not as bad as the other one). The flow of the story wasnt smooth (escalating, rushed) and many cringey line/moments but i will give it a pass. Great monsters and lores.
Good intro song - very gravity falls meet the martin mystery and ben 10. Great characters development and action scenes. Great villains and world building. Highly recommended.
- LancelotSB
- Nov 18, 2022
- Permalink
The accuracy of the translation may be inaccurate. I'm not good at English
This is one of my favorite animated series and I am very disappointed that no one knows about it, not that in the CIS, but in the world. Why?
The animated series has a very interesting idea. Traveling on a fantastic flying ship around the world of the 19th century, the mythology of various countries in each series and the interesting villains shown. By the end of the series, the levels of twists are accelerating and you are already really worried about the characters. It would seem like a "children's cartoon"!
Unfortunately, the low budget does not allow the animated series to accelerate to the fullest. The animation here is quite simple and not very dynamic, even despite the presence of a considerable number of battles Nevertheless, I strongly advise you to familiarize yourself with this creation. Although it is quite childish and the animation is "far from Gravity Falls", but during viewing and after it leaves only positive impressions. The characters here are ambiguous, and their development is interesting to watch I will also mention that this animated series has a sequel in the form of "In search of Legends: Masters of Myths" I thought to put 7/10, but "In search of legends" settled in my heart and I will give it 8/10.
The animated series has a very interesting idea. Traveling on a fantastic flying ship around the world of the 19th century, the mythology of various countries in each series and the interesting villains shown. By the end of the series, the levels of twists are accelerating and you are already really worried about the characters. It would seem like a "children's cartoon"!
Unfortunately, the low budget does not allow the animated series to accelerate to the fullest. The animation here is quite simple and not very dynamic, even despite the presence of a considerable number of battles Nevertheless, I strongly advise you to familiarize yourself with this creation. Although it is quite childish and the animation is "far from Gravity Falls", but during viewing and after it leaves only positive impressions. The characters here are ambiguous, and their development is interesting to watch I will also mention that this animated series has a sequel in the form of "In search of Legends: Masters of Myths" I thought to put 7/10, but "In search of legends" settled in my heart and I will give it 8/10.
In 2007 Ánima Estudios launched an animated feature called "La Leyenda de la Nahuala" based on a Mexican legend filled with great dialog and characters but weak story. Even do they have a weak story, it was very interesting and filled with many possibilities with the story. The franchise spawn 3 more movies called "La Leyenda de la Llorona (2011)", "la Leyenda de las Momias de Guanajuato (2014)" & "La Leyenda del Chupacabra (2016)" which expand the universe of the films and became one of the most successful movie franchises in Mexico and it began an international expansion all across Latin-America and the USA. "Legend Quest" or "Las Leyendas" in Spanish takes advantage of it's established characters and fix every issue the movies had. With beautiful animation, fantastic storytelling and great voice acting. The show feels pretty fresh having elements of the successful show Gravity Falls with connected stories and the episodic mysteries of Scooby-Doo. I feel this show have a lot of potentials and it can take advantage of being a Netflix Original and being able to go pretty mature like shown in episode 9 called Nu Gui and others. I hope this review gives you more interest of exploring the adventures of Leo San Juan and it's friends. Hope it gets renowned for a few more seasons and gets the chance to become one of the best show of the decade. I feel so proud Ánima and every accomplishment the studio have made over the years and become the pioneers of quality animation in Latin- America.
- hectormanuelrosario
- Feb 25, 2017
- Permalink
Super adorable and funny...Stories are entertaining, my 5 yo and I really enjoyed them...A great plus is that they are 'safe' cartoons from any agendas going around these days in kids cartoons
- princesseve81
- May 28, 2020
- Permalink
This series was good to watch, the animations were fluid and true to the styling of the art. I very much wish the second season had followed in the first's footsteps, but alas, it did not. If you've not seen it, I recommend it :P
- etherealwing
- Dec 16, 2019
- Permalink
I just want to start this review off by saying I did NOT expect or want this cartoon to be as terrible as it ended up being. I'm aware that I'm particularly critical of cartoons that fail harder than a lazy freshman in high school, but Legend Quest is one of the rare cartoons that was so mind-numbingly atrocious that I refuse to watch any more than the first episode. Allow me to explain.
Created by Jose Alejandro Gracia Munoz, Legend Quest is about a guy who travels the world to foil the plans of an evil overlord with the help of his ghostly companions. While that sounds like an interesting premise for a cartoon, I couldn't bring myself to see this premise in action because the first episode does an absolutely terrible job introducing this world. Wanna know how Leo sees and talks to ghosts? Or get to know them personality-wise? Or why he was chose to be the one to talk to ghosts and no one else? Well that's too bloody bad! This show does a great disservice to writers everywhere by not showing the origin of this premise nor exploring it. Rather it skips over it to get to the "oh woe is me! My life's become so frustrating ever since this special thing happen to me" malarkey! The first episode also never explains why the friar knows so much, why no one else can speak to ghosts or why the flop Leo has feeling for Marcella in the first place! As if the writing couldn't get worst, it's attempts at humor come off as forced and unnatural with constant pop culture references, weak puns and unengaging slapstick. This is the kind of writing that would make a 2 year old cringe with how bad it is!
The characters are about as frustrating as the writing in this stupid show. Starting with our protagonist, Leo is an unlikable, selfish twit that throws his ghostly friends under the bus to try an impress his non-friends and his crush. He's just a pathetic oaf who never learns anything and as such it's impossible to relate to him. His ghostly friends aren't much better, though, as Don Andres is an annoying worry wort, Teodora is a lazy, apathetic snob and Alebrije is a stupid and unfunny comic relief. Don't bother expected anyone else to be a good character, because they're not. Friar Godofredo is the walking encyclopedia, Marcella is eye candy, and the Horrorosos are just a bunch of mindless goblin like creatures with no personality of their own.
The voice acting is pretty bad, too be very honest. I know the actors are trying, but none of them sounded remotely convincing. Johnny Rose sounded really flat as Leo, not once evoking any sense of urgency or personality. Oscar Cheda didn't really sound like an old conquistador, but rather a nervous British man. Annemarie Blanco was rather empty in her performance as Teodora as she sounded like she was bored even during the action scenes. Paul Tei didn't sound good as Alebrije or Friar Godofredo as he wasn't funny or quotable as the former and he didn't sound enough like a wise old man in the latter. There's just no way I could get behind these characters because they're so badly executed.
Visually, it looks fine more the most part. The character designs are well crafted with differing body types, unique hair styles and appropriate attire. I also like how Don Andres and Teodora have a turquoise aura around their bodies. The character animation is fluid and feels very natural, however there are a number of times when it feels too smooth and that kinda makes it look uncanny. The backgrounds are also well crafted witn the town looking like an old Mexican village and the 3D version of the town blends seamlessly witn the 2D characters in the action scenes.
See, THIS is the kind of quality that makes me angry! Legend Quest is an abomination of a cartoon with atrocious writing, hatable characters, bad voice acting and painfully unfunny humor. As decent as the animation is, it's still doesn't spare it from the worst fate to bestow on a piece of entertainment this bad: to be ignored and forgotten. Do NOT watch Legend Quest! Not even out of morbid curiosity. Watch something like Danny Phantom or even the Casper cartoons to get your fix on animated ghosts.
Created by Jose Alejandro Gracia Munoz, Legend Quest is about a guy who travels the world to foil the plans of an evil overlord with the help of his ghostly companions. While that sounds like an interesting premise for a cartoon, I couldn't bring myself to see this premise in action because the first episode does an absolutely terrible job introducing this world. Wanna know how Leo sees and talks to ghosts? Or get to know them personality-wise? Or why he was chose to be the one to talk to ghosts and no one else? Well that's too bloody bad! This show does a great disservice to writers everywhere by not showing the origin of this premise nor exploring it. Rather it skips over it to get to the "oh woe is me! My life's become so frustrating ever since this special thing happen to me" malarkey! The first episode also never explains why the friar knows so much, why no one else can speak to ghosts or why the flop Leo has feeling for Marcella in the first place! As if the writing couldn't get worst, it's attempts at humor come off as forced and unnatural with constant pop culture references, weak puns and unengaging slapstick. This is the kind of writing that would make a 2 year old cringe with how bad it is!
The characters are about as frustrating as the writing in this stupid show. Starting with our protagonist, Leo is an unlikable, selfish twit that throws his ghostly friends under the bus to try an impress his non-friends and his crush. He's just a pathetic oaf who never learns anything and as such it's impossible to relate to him. His ghostly friends aren't much better, though, as Don Andres is an annoying worry wort, Teodora is a lazy, apathetic snob and Alebrije is a stupid and unfunny comic relief. Don't bother expected anyone else to be a good character, because they're not. Friar Godofredo is the walking encyclopedia, Marcella is eye candy, and the Horrorosos are just a bunch of mindless goblin like creatures with no personality of their own.
The voice acting is pretty bad, too be very honest. I know the actors are trying, but none of them sounded remotely convincing. Johnny Rose sounded really flat as Leo, not once evoking any sense of urgency or personality. Oscar Cheda didn't really sound like an old conquistador, but rather a nervous British man. Annemarie Blanco was rather empty in her performance as Teodora as she sounded like she was bored even during the action scenes. Paul Tei didn't sound good as Alebrije or Friar Godofredo as he wasn't funny or quotable as the former and he didn't sound enough like a wise old man in the latter. There's just no way I could get behind these characters because they're so badly executed.
Visually, it looks fine more the most part. The character designs are well crafted with differing body types, unique hair styles and appropriate attire. I also like how Don Andres and Teodora have a turquoise aura around their bodies. The character animation is fluid and feels very natural, however there are a number of times when it feels too smooth and that kinda makes it look uncanny. The backgrounds are also well crafted witn the town looking like an old Mexican village and the 3D version of the town blends seamlessly witn the 2D characters in the action scenes.
See, THIS is the kind of quality that makes me angry! Legend Quest is an abomination of a cartoon with atrocious writing, hatable characters, bad voice acting and painfully unfunny humor. As decent as the animation is, it's still doesn't spare it from the worst fate to bestow on a piece of entertainment this bad: to be ignored and forgotten. Do NOT watch Legend Quest! Not even out of morbid curiosity. Watch something like Danny Phantom or even the Casper cartoons to get your fix on animated ghosts.