Now I'm not saying Nereus has a good concept, but it did have something there, it did have a competent SFX team, but they really messed it up.
It tells a very messy over convoluted story about an ancient entity with a connection to water and..........I'm really not going to describe it further because it's an absolute mess.
Part visual horror part psychological it's incredibly boring, the plot is a broken mess, the cast are interchangeable and really poor and the whole movie feels like the fraction of potential here was pissed away.
When something happens, it's actually quite good for a movie of it's ilk. But things don't happen very often and even when they do they' still don't deflect from the fact that the whole movie is a shattered all over the place mess.
The SFX guys and girls should distance themselves from filmmakers like these lest find their reputations tarnished.
Messy, unlikable tosh.
The Good:
Some interesting visuals
The Bad:
Stock scream
Absolute mess of a plot