The title stands for "Orange County Disabled."
7 Actresses turned down the role of Bri. This included Brittani Escobedo, Carmen Hodgson and Julie Kessel.
Ashley Cordelia (as Ashley Cordelia) was originally cast as Mandy, but after the actress attached to play the role of Bri, Julie Kessel, dropped out due to depression, Ashley wanted to play the Bri role so badly. She enthusiastically agreed to do this role without pay due to the powerful subject matter, smartly written script, and the fact she has two Autistic cousins, so this movie got to her emotions.
There were at least 22 different script revisions. One of the versions was 29 pages long. The script is now 17 pages. Scenes were cut because they either brought the story to a screeching halt, or readers found some material offensive. In fact, one of the readers, Danielle Acevedo, removed three pages of the script that she found offensive so that the film is given a more neutral feel rather than the harsh, one sided feel it originally had. Hence the reason why she is being credited as Script Analysis.