Milo puts on his shirt, his tie is seen knotted and then he knots it again.
A doctor (but probably not a Hollywood screenwriter) would know that the palm of one's hand is a very stupid area to cut one's skin for blood; many tendons and muscles run there and are obviously very important for daily activities of life.
Putting a patient in an induced coma means that the patient will not breathe by themselves and needs to be intubated and oxygenated.
Anna's vitals on the monitor show a normal heart rate (80 per minute), a normal saturation (98% in room air), no blood pressure reading, and a 380 to 420 reading (in red, at the lower corner of the monitor) which does not make sense.
Anna is seen gently breathing while on Propofol: induced coma means she would have stopped breathing and died if not intubated and ventilated.
Before inducing a coma, a doctor would make sure they have all the needed equipment (checklist including intubation material, aspiration device, etc.) and oxygenate the patient with a mask.
Neither Morbius's hair nor clothes are moving despite the amount of wind produced by all the flying bats around him.
Young Milo runs without relying on his crutches to beat up the other kid; not a great distance, but definitely with much agility.
The subway scene is clearly shot in London's Charing Cross tube station, on the abandoned Jubilee platforms and escalators. The New York subway train was CGIed in afterwards.
At approximately 1 hour 12 minutes, a clearly British-style light switch can be seen as the detective enters the room in New York.
There is no reason for a paramedic to leave their rescue bags out in the open.
Several people state that it "looks like all the blood was drained" from the victims. A dead person looks pale and their blood vessels shut because of the lack of blood pressure, so it would be very difficult for anyone other than a coroner to assess there is no blood in the bodies.
One of the FBI agents says "The blood was..." and the other continues "exsanguinated". Victims are exsanguinated, not blood.
Morbius states that the injection will give the victim "instant hemochromatosis". Hemochromatosis is a genetic disease, not an acquired one.