In a Q&A, director Keith Maitland revealed that he filmed locations at the University of Texas with an iPhone in order to obtain the footage animators used for the rotoscoped backgrounds, while most of the actors featured in the re-enactments were filmed in his backyard in front of a greenscreen.
It has been suggested that his violent impulses, with which he had been struggling for several years, were caused due to a tumor found in his brain on autopsy.
The DVD sleeve notes state that this film is "based entirely on first person testimonies from witnesses, heroes, and survivors".
The filmmakers chose not to graphically depict Whitman's death, likely because it is unclear which officer killed him. McCoy claimed Martinez failed to land a shot with his revolver. Martinez claimed he hit Whitman at least once before McCoy fired his shotgun.
The film "combines archival footage with rotoscopic animation" as stated by the DVD sleeve notes.