2 reviews
The least you can say about Luk Wyns' one-man project "Crimi Clowns" is that it's a bizarrely structured and qualitatively volatile TV & film franchise! The first season of the TV-series is downright fantastic! The insanely grotesque plot, the loathsome lead characters and the massive amounts of explicit violence and gratuitous sex were truly unique and never-before-seen in Belgium! The second season is, strangely enough, totally uninspired and dull. But since it never aired in The Netherlands, Wyns summarized it into a film version that only featured the highlights, and that was very enjoyable. Season three on late night Belgian TV was awesome once again, with totally deranged plot twists and utterly insane black humor, but now the second feature film (summarizing parts of season two's finale and approximately half of season three) is mediocre and heavily censored. Either Luk Wyns should work more consistently, or I should stop watching every single type of medium that comes out.
Here are some of the main story lines that feature in "Scum". The entire Tersago family, including Ronny's ex-wife and grandmother, are arrested after a sudden bust into their villa by the police. They have to let all of them go shortly after, except for son Wesley against whom there is substantial evidence that he committed murder. The role of Johnny De Mol is significantly smaller in this film as well as in the whole of season three. I know he has a loyal share of fans, but personally I think it's good because Wesley was the most annoying and misfit character of the franchise. During his short stay in prison, Ronny wrote a scenario for a Halloween-Easter themed musical that will likely boost up their financials and celebrity status again. During the big premiere, however, a feared Russian mafia boss show up to extract a vengeance that was still unsettled. Meanwhile, the entire family continues to stuff industrial amounts of cocaine up their noses, cheerfully visit prostitutes and betray one another.
Business as usual in the criminal clown industry...
Here are some of the main story lines that feature in "Scum". The entire Tersago family, including Ronny's ex-wife and grandmother, are arrested after a sudden bust into their villa by the police. They have to let all of them go shortly after, except for son Wesley against whom there is substantial evidence that he committed murder. The role of Johnny De Mol is significantly smaller in this film as well as in the whole of season three. I know he has a loyal share of fans, but personally I think it's good because Wesley was the most annoying and misfit character of the franchise. During his short stay in prison, Ronny wrote a scenario for a Halloween-Easter themed musical that will likely boost up their financials and celebrity status again. During the big premiere, however, a feared Russian mafia boss show up to extract a vengeance that was still unsettled. Meanwhile, the entire family continues to stuff industrial amounts of cocaine up their noses, cheerfully visit prostitutes and betray one another.
Business as usual in the criminal clown industry...
The movie title says it all: version 2. It's supposed to be innovative and shocking, unseen dark, criminal comedy on the next level. However, in my opinion there are too many similarities, or just not enough new elements in comparison to the original setup to really see this as something new. Hence 'more of the same'.
If you liked Crimi Clowns before, you will probably like this one as well. The main cast hasn't changed which makes for the same fun and quality performance as before. My biggest disappointment was to see how small the part of Wesley Tersago was in this episode.
If you liked Crimi Clowns before, you will probably like this one as well. The main cast hasn't changed which makes for the same fun and quality performance as before. My biggest disappointment was to see how small the part of Wesley Tersago was in this episode.