This is a really strange flick, and not in part of the story but what the production tried to do is to add all clichés of the horror genre into one flick. it's all there, stupid characters, horny chicks, nudity (a lot), camping, supernatural stuff, satanism and a bit of slasher.
Does it work, not at all. It starts really good and even a bit gory but once the opening credits roll over your screen this flick goes downhill with stupid situations. It takes too long before the wicked naked girl comes in and even that is so strange, laying naked in the woods no reason at all, being urinated and still doesn't move and suddenly she comes alive. From there that naked girl is out for some nasty killings but even there it's all strange because she can glow, you know, it doesn't work but still I kept looking to see what it's all about and I must say, the further this flick goes the stranger things are happening like used tampons being cursed and all of that. And towards the end there are a few references to old classics like a girl in a sleeping bag being squashed against a tree (Friday the 13th part 7 anyone) or eyes being crushed with thumps and I can go on.
So I think you get it, it's not for everyone but if you can stand the first half then you will see, still weird, a gory flick. But be advised, it's not a good flick after all.
Gore 2/5 Nudity 2,5/5 Effects 2/5 Story 1/5 Comedy 0/5