I've always loved South Park from the beginning but now they've reached a new level I've never seen before. To not say that I am full of praise, I must admit that I had low expectations for this season cause last season didn't do much for me (except from a few episodes that I had a lot of fun with), but, boy, they surprised me again! Season 20 is a perfect cartoonization of our current society and their message should be listened by all this people on social media that don't realize they are acting like puppets.
At the same time that it's real and credible, it's full of ludical elements that enriches it even more as a story and a cartoon, and the way they are connecting everything is just genius. Member berries are something fictional but they make perfect sense to our world and it already became part of my speech when talking about people driven by nostalgia ("it's time to quit those member berries and focus on the future").
South Park is the proof that no matter how interesting and magic the past can seem, we should always be looking to the future to make it even better. Of course the past will seem comfortable for you because (guess what?) it happened already so everything their is bright and simple for us to understand, but on the other hand the future can be ANYTHING we want it to be. It might seem dark and scary but that's the fun part about it, all you have to do to make it brighter is to turn the idea light on you.
We should all follow Matt and Trey and stop dividing ourselves in selfish groups and focus on the future to make the world a better place!