- 6néma [Michel Decoux-Derycke]
- French
- a Sliver of Film [Chris Greenwood]
- afilmlife.com [Ian and Sheila Taylor]
- Age of the Geek [Jana J. Monji]
- Always Good Movies [Filipe Freitas]
- An Opinion or Two [Keith Lawrence]
- aVoir-aLire.com [Julien Dugois]
- French
- Bulles de Culture [Antoine Corte]
- French
- CervenyKoberec.cz [Eva Mullerova]
- Czech
- Cinecure [Charles Declercq]
- French
- Cinefilic.com [Jean-Marie Lanlo]
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- Cinemagavia [Eduardo Gil]
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- Cinemagazine [Henny Wouters]
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- Cinepivates
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- Cinesalon [Marie-Paule]
- Dutch
- Cineuropa.org [Fabien Lemercier]
- Cinopsis [Eric Van Cutsem]
- French
- Cinéphile [Dude The Cleaner]
- Citazine [Marco Pierrard]
- French
- Culture 31 [Carine Trenteun]
- French
- CulturellementVotre.fr [Cécile Desbrun]
- French
- Daily Movies [Alain Baruh] Swiss French
- De Filmrecensent [Rick Schuttinga]
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- Dragon Lady Files
- EDb.co.il [Yonatan Doron]
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- Film Blerg [David Nagle]
- Film Inquiry [Alex Lines]
- film-rezensionen.de [Oliver Armknecht]
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- Filmboy [Alexandros Kyriazis]
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- FilmDude [Anne Murphy]
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- Filmy [Paris Mnimatidis]
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- Magazine HD [Maria João Sá]
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- moviereview [Colin Fraser] (AU)
- Movies Ltd. [Theodor Giachoustidis]
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- myFILM.gr [Aggelos Polydoros]
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- Pasadena Art Beat [Jana J. Monji]
- PASHA'S FILMS (Australian)
- randommovie.net [RM]
- Reeling Reviews [Robin Clifford, Laura Clifford]
- ScreenRealm [Adam Fleet]
- Sordid Cinema
- Séptimo Escenario (José Antonio Alarcón) Spanish
- Séquences - La revue de cinéma [Élie Castiel]
- French
- The Apologist [Sven Papaux]
- French
- Ungrandmoment.be [Nicolas Gilson]
- French
- Videosöndag.se [Fredrik Fyhr]
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