I have to wonder if the ratings that got it this many stars are all from friends of the production team? The plot is thin, the editing slow and not particularly well executed, the acting terrible (there are times I'm left to wonder what on earth they're trying to do with their faces) and none of the characters are relatable or in any way likeable - least of all the protagonist unfortunately. He's neither the hero nor the not-very-nice-yet-effective antihero who cares about others deep down. He just comes across as a genuinely selfish, small man trying to make himself feel better. The foley and voiceover work is poorly done and completely distracting, breaking you out of the film's world constantly (for example hearing the click of a door closing on a shot of a door that hasn't closed, or dialogue that doesn't match the actors lips and a tone that doesn't fit the expression on her face).
The story initially seemed like it could be interesting but there very quickly became too many inconsistencies and holes for the viewer to buy into the idea, with no explanation for why we should accept things that make no sense - from a scientific, theological, or social perspective.
I'm over an hour in and so far no new ideas have been presented over similar films/tv. The film moves too slowly to keep me interested in glazing over these inconsistencies to see if it will eventually provide anything new unfortunately.
Some reviewers here are giving it leeway for being an indie production, but indie doesn't mean it has to be bad. Take a film like Primer - it's indie & low budget but it knows it's limitations and works within them cleverly, while presenting fully thought out, original ideas. This, unfortunately, does none of these things.