- This horror/paranormal thriller follows the lives of Albert and Rose Poe over the course of 4 days that happens to include the one year anniversary of their 5 and 6 year old daughters deaths. The day the girls died was their birthdays too. We soon learn there is more to the girls deaths and the house the Poe's thought was their safe haven.—Billy Lewis
- 'The Terrible Two' follows Albert (Reid Doyle) and Rose (Cari Moskow) Poe over the course of 3 days. They are a married couple approaching the one-year anniversary of the death of their 2 girls, Addi and Jade. The day the girls died was also their birthday. As the day comes and goes Rose continues to struggle to come to grips with the loss of her only two children. She begins hearing the girl's voices throughout the house which leads her to the attic where she discovers an old manuscript that belonged to the previous owner of the house. After reading the book and doing a little research on the house secrets are revealed that something much more sinister is happening within the walls of the house that directly lead to the deaths of Addi and Jade. Soon Albert and Rose become prisoners in their own house to the same little girls they gave life to.
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