Jacob Buster credited as playing...
Matthew Buckley
- Pam Buckley: Boys! New decorations came in at Smithee's, so I'm running over there to get some before they run out.
- Matthew Buckley: Gee, Mom, how many more do you need?
- Pam Buckley: [laughs] That's a good one, honey.
- Pam Buckley, Ralph Buckley, Simon Buckley, Matthew Buckley, Peter Buckley, John Buckley: [the family pledge] We do hereby promise to perform our elving duties with honor ands bravery. We will NEVER divulge our identities to the people we elve no matter what mayhem or bedlam might be inflicted upon us. This is our solemn pledge.
- Ralph Buckley: [finding Matthew in Time Out] So, uh, what'd you do this time?
- Matthew Buckley: I don't remember.
- Ralph Buckley: That's a good answer. Got a future in politics, I think.
- [Matthew's outing with Juniper goes well until the dog misbehaves]
- Matthew Buckley: Stop, Farding!
- Juniper Goodman: I didn't. I mean...
- Matthew Buckley: No. The dog. Her name... ih... it's Farding.
- Juniper Goodman: Farding? Why?
- Matthew Buckley: Well, our mom wears a lot of pink blush and, well, another word for blush is fard, and we thought it was funny, so... We're just stupid boys.
- Matthew Buckley: Why are you crying?
- Pam Buckley: I'm okay, honey. I... I'm just... nine months pregnant.
- Matthew Buckley: Did I make the bus late?
- Earl: Nah. I think some people are worth bein' late for. Let's go.