Mon, Aug 31, 2015
Maya is upset with Sumit's family's invasive behavior, especially the awful Mother. The Walias live across the street and have the habit of bursting in unannounced. When Maya wants to be alone on her birthday, and Sumit's family wants to have a party, he tries to come up with a plan to make everyone happy, but it ends up in a mess.
Tue, Sep 1, 2015
The Episode starts with Sumit coming home. Maya and his mum Dolly make his fav dishes. They gets stuck and likes both dishes. Maya asks him to have Rajma made by Dolly. He asks will they mind it. Dolly takes Maya's dish and dumps it. Sumit eats the food made by Dolly. He just loves it. Sumit and Maya see the cricket match. Maya is annoyed with him as he chose Dolly's dish. He asks her to forget it. She says she should not be bothered about this. He says yes, you are above all this. She asks what, don't I cook, or don't I cook good as your mum. ADVERTISING He says its just food. She says forget it. They sleep. Its morning, Sumit asks Dolly about Rajma. She says she has thrown it. He asks is there any recipe for her Rajma. She says I make it by heart. Sumit's dad Jasbir taunts her. She gives him a single small pakoda to answer him. Sumit says he is asking recipe for Maya. Dolly says Maya wanted to make my type of Rajma. Sumit says yes. Dolly gets glad. Sumit asks her to write the recipe and give. Dolly says I will teach Maya. He says I will tell Maya. She says she will make and teach her. She goes. Sumit goes to Maya and says he is thinking to solve Rajma mystery, why don't they call mummy ji here and learn Rajma dish. Maya says its bad idea. Dolly comes there and asks why did she not tell before that she wants to learn Rajma making. Rajneesh gets the special kadai, spoon and some more items. Maya says its fine. Dolly says Sumit told me you want to learn making Rajma. Maya says he would ask me to become like you. Dolly says no, first make Rajma, then we will see. Maya says I m eager to learn cooking. Rajneesh sits eating. Sumit asks Rajneesh to come, they will check tyre air. They leave. Dolly says she is glad to know Maya wants to keep Sumit happy. She says first imp thing to make Rajma is..... Maya asks Rajma... Dolly says love... Maya says ofcourse. Dolly says mum's love.... She says you are also a mum, I m sure you will make good love. She asks her to soak Rajma. Maya asks in water or in love, and laughs. Maya makes Rajma and serves it to Sumit in dinner. Sumit says its awesome. Maya says she made it, Dolly helped her, it was fun. He says great, and spits it in tissue. Maya sees it. He says its very hot, that's why. Maya tastes it and spits by the bad taste. Its night, Maya starts evaluating where her dish went wrong. He asks her to forget it. She says she made it exact like Dolly. He says maybe mum forgot any step. She says maybe mummy ji gave me wrong recipe. He says she is my mum. She says I m sure. He says close eyes, think you have this house, me and kids, why is stupid Rajma coming in between. She says right. He hugs her and asks her to sleep. Late night, Rajneesh goes to kitchen and thinks there is thief. He opens lights and sees Maya. Maya was checking Dolly's recipe and makes excuse. He says stop, just thief and santa claus come without invitation at night. She says alright, I was finding Rajma's recipe. He says I heard it was bad. She says it was not that bad, I want to make perfect Rajma, don't you want to make anything perfect. He says my toothbrush, I wash it by detergent. She says she does not want to come second, and asks his help. He says he knows the pain to come second, he will get the recipe. She waits for him. Jasbir sleepwalks and drinks juice from fridge. She stands still. Rajneesh brings the trunk and gives her. She says this is jewelry. He says this is right bag, mum wants to distribute this treasure to us. She gets the recipe papers and checks for Rajma. She checks it with her recipe. She says its just same. Rajneesh says yes. Maya says I m not right. Rajneesh says it will take time, and makes her smell his toothbrush, which still has the toothpaste smell. Sumit asks Maya why did she go and check recipe. She smells the zeera and says its strange. He says its saunf. She says Dolly said its zeera, and sees the double name slips on the bottle. She says this is your mum... He says why would mummy ji do this to fail any recipe. She says she is expert in this, and scolds him. She says its about Maa's Raj/rule, not Rajma. She goes. He sees the slips and goes to confront Dolly. He says he came to know everything, she dud not do this right, label is out. He says I always take your side, but not this time, Maya left her ego and called you to learn your recipe, I m serious. Dolly says she wanted to make everything fine. He asks how. She says you would come to have Rajma made by me, if I don't cook food, would you come? He says what, you feel, I just come to have food, I would come to see tv show DABH with you. She says I m your mum, I know you, you don't need me as you have grown up, its just food that gets you here. He says you did not do right. She says I know, I will apologize to Maya. He says she is upset. She says she is also a mum, she will understand, and asks will he have Gajar ka halwa. He agrees. Dolly tells Sumit and Maya that she has such things to distribute to them after she dies, but she will distribute happiness now. She says this have all my recipes and gives the papers to Maya. Maya gets glad and thanks her. Dolly apologizes and Maya hugs her. Sumit says hold it, I will get camera to take this moment captured. Maya says Gajar ka halwa page is missing. Dolly goes.
Thu, Sep 3, 2015
Lucky takes Sumit to Jito's restaurant, which has a waitress. Anju calls Sumit to tell him that he forgot his wallet at the restaurant. Sumit goes back to get his wallet but is shocked to see his father there. Maya insists on going to Jito's restaurant, where Sumit's parents also arrive.
Fri, Sep 4, 2015
Maya becomes upset with Sumit because he is always late coming home from work. When she catches him having pizza and playing at work, he reluctantly decides to work from home. At home, he starts to mess the house and Rajneesh and Jasbir come over a lot more, Maya asks him to go back to the office.
Mon, Sep 14, 2015
Maya reminds Sumit about Aliya's birthday. Sumit is dejected to learn that his father lied to him about Sachin's autograph. Sumit's father and Rajneesh disguise as a cartoon character, Captain Cheetah. Later, Sumit's father is sorry for lying to him about Sachin's autograph.
Tue, Sep 15, 2015
Rajneesh is feeling lonely on the anniversary of the day when his fiance left him. Jasbir and Dolly suggest to Sumit that he take Rajneesh out to get his mind off it. It turns out to be a good night, until Rajneesh finds out why it happened. Later Sumit tells him that he actually loved spending time with him and they make up.
Wed, Sep 16, 2015
Sumit apologises to Maya for not paying the dues. Dolly asks Sumit and Maya to attend the kitty party at her house. Sumit loses 10,000 Rs Jasbir while playing ludo with his lodge buddies Nippi and Manjeet. Maya and Dolly try to get the money returned. It turns out that Dolly has been stealing money from Jasbir and saving it behind his back.
Fri, Sep 18, 2015
Maya, Aliya and Avi fall sick. Sumit has an interview with Kapil Dev. He takes Aliya to the doctor. Kapil refuses to be interviewed at the clinic. Dolly takes care of Maya in Sumit's absence. Sumit gets Aliya's checkup done. He reschedules his interview with Kapil. Later, Kapil falls sick as well.
Mon, Sep 21, 2015
Rajneesh arrests Jasbir's friend, Bittu, for selling fake diamonds. Sumit worries as he had bought Maya's ring from Bittu. He steals the ring from Maya, but later, learns that she had replaced the diamond with an original one. Maya makes Sumit find the diamond on learning that he has thrown it away.
Thu, Sep 24, 2015
Dolly tells Sumit about her and Jasbir's medical reports. Maya tells Sumit that Dolly wants to learn how to cook healthy food. Later, Dolly insists that Jasbir, Rajneesh and Sumit eat right. She is upset when Sumit orders food from a restaurant and Sumit is shocked when he sees Dolly eating chicken.
Fri, Sep 25, 2015
Sumit is elated as Avi says 'Papa' as his first word. He is nervous during his interview with Harsha Bhogle. Later, Maya, Jasbir and Dolly point out Sumit's mistake in the interview. Sumit messes up his interview with Harsha, once again. Later, he asks for Dolly, Jasbir, Maya and Rajnish's feedback.
Sat, Sep 26, 2015
Maya confronts Sumit as Rajneesh misbehaves with Simran in the market. She tells Rajneesh that she will introduce Simran to Dolly. Later, Sumit introduces Simran to Dolly. Sumit tells Dolly that Rajneesh and Simran are friends. Dolly is upset with Maya for lying to her about Simran.
Wed, Sep 30, 2015
Sumit invites Jasbir and Dolly to meet Maya's parents. Maya's mother decides to go to a Japanese restaurant. Sumit feels embarrassed when Dolly and Jasbir order Indian food. Later, he sides with his parents and insults Maya's parents. Maya throws Sumit out of the house for his behaviour.
Wed, Oct 14, 2015
Sumit invites his friends to watch a cricket match, while Maya throws a kitty party. Dolly decides to prepare desi pasta for the party. Maya is upset about Dolly's interference in her life and sends her a letter. Later, Maya regrets sending the letter to Dolly and apologises to her.
Thu, Oct 15, 2015
Rajneesh shares a private moment with Simran, when his family interrupts him. Sumit provokes Rajneesh to leave the house. Maya asks Sumit to bring Rajneesh back as Dolly has decided to spend time with them. Sumit meets Rajneesh and makes him realise that his landlords are similar to Jasbir and Dolly.
Thu, Oct 15, 2015
Maya asks Sumit to take Avi and Aliya to a kids-zone. Maya's friends praise Sumit for supporting them. Later, Rajneesh and Jasbir are shocked to notice Sumit and Maya's strange behaviour, towards each other. Jasbir tries to make Maya realise her mistake. Maya confronts Sumit for lying to her.
Sat, Oct 17, 2015
Sumit stays at home to receive the delivery of the new curtains, while Rajneesh enjoys freedom in his new apartment. Sumit tells Rajneesh about the downside of marriage. Maya scolds Sumit as Rajneesh and Simran break up because of him. Sumit tries to convince Rajneesh to get back with Simran.
Tue, Oct 27, 2015
Rajat, Monty and Puggy refuse to party with Sumit. Sumit tells Rajneesh that Maya has gone to Mumbai. He asks Rajneesh to apologise to him. Later, Rajneesh confronts Sumit for trying to frighten him. He apologises to Sumit for his mistake. Sumit and Rajneesh plan to frighten Jasbir.