Timothy Hutton credited as playing...
Oswald Hinge
- Oswald Hinge: Ms. Getty, we offer you our sincerest condolences.
- Gail Harris: Well, you're very thoughtful.
- Oswald Hinge: Please, sit. Mr. Getty's death has created a bit of a crisis here. You see, the estate was structured as a charitable family trust.
- Gail Harris: Did he ever give any money to charity?
- Oswald Hinge: No. No.
- Gail Harris: The trust enabled Mr. Getty to build his fortune without paying taxes. There was just one catch. Under the rules of the trust, he couldn't actually spend the money.
- Gail Harris: What's the point of making all that money if you can't spend it?
- Oswald Hinge: Well, he couldn't spend it, but he could invest it.So, he invested it in things. Art. Antiques. Soon, he had a... A staggering amount of things.And a staggering amount of money. Now someone has to decide what to do with it all.
- Gail Harris: What do you want with me?
- Oswald Hinge: How do I put this... The king is dead. The throne is vacant. Your children are his heirs. Until they come of age,someone has to make the decisions. Which means, of course, someone has to take his place.