Alike is a visually yummy short: smooth, elegant and minimalist, with a great composition and framing, and a selective use of color (a mix of beige, gray and blue toned down hues alternated with dark browns and some bright colors). Alike is not about the visuals, though, is about the message conveyed via an apparently simple story of a father and a son who are anything but alike.
The story is about the way we teach our children, which values and ways of being we force upon them, and how sometimes that is not always good for them. It is a story about not cutting the creative wings of any person as those are innate and cannot be eliminated, just repressed. It is also a story about learning from what makes children happy, as if they are happy we are, too. Alike is mostly, a short about how creativity brights our souls and brings joy to our lives.
No words are used, but the story is well told and are not missed.
Perhaps the thing I liked the least was the facial expression of the child character in the story and some of the intended jokes.
A lovely short film.