This is a fascinating behind the scenes look at one of the most remarkable controversies in the 20th Century, made dim by the passage of time and by the fact that it was mostly centered on the U.K. Digging through the letters of Wallis Simpson (the Duchess of Windsor) and Queen Elizabeth (the mother of the existing Queen Elizabeth), and using newsreel footage, the producers give us a pretty good look at the rivalries that helped shape the abdication of King Edward VIII and probably shaped the nature of World War 2.
This material was covered from a completely different angle in 2012's excellent "The King's Speech" and viewers of that film will find themselves at an advantage in viewing this film.
I enjoyed the round table discussions between the biographers and I think this added a lot to the value of the production. To this day there are still many ideas and feelings about the issue.
The full truth, of course, will never be known. But the use of the newsreels and the numerous quotes from the letters helps add an aura of authenticity to the film.