In the 74th minute when Heflin shouts at Jacob that his father is dead, in between shots Heflin's body in relation to Jacob's changes, from being beside him to being directly facing him.
In the 44th minute, the security company monitoring the home's security cameras search a criminal database for the intruders. A security company would not have access to this information.
If the robbers are professional as they are portrayed, they would not remove their face coverings upon seeing all the cameras in the house, nor would they be drinking wine and leaving DNA evidence behind, despite all of them wearing gloves.
In the 10th minute Chloe is on her way to work in the morning but the clock in the cafe reads 4:45.
In the 79th minute Mike at the monitoring company remotely sees on camera, Heflin shoot Astor. But he sees this from a ground-level camera. Clearly done for effect, but the 'shot' makes no sense as cameras are not mounted at ground level.
In the 41st minute after Chloe hides Jacob in the air duct, over her shoulder is a window with bright sun shining into the room. At this time it is supposed to be night during a heavy rainstorm. About twenty minutes earlier a clock read later then 10pm.
At about 1 hour, the safe cracker is spinning the safe dial. It is obvious the dial isn't centered and moves up and down as it spins, as well as the distance from the safe door isn't consistent, looking like a toy safe dial.
In the 77th minute Xander engages the sheriffs in a gunfight and fires single shots from his automatic rifle. Once he is struck and goes down, as he falls, his weapon fires in automatic mode.
In the last eleven minutes of the film when Heflin tracks Chloe to the upstairs master bathroom, it is unclear whose blood steps he is following.