In the Red
'In The Red' is a 15-20 minute short film that focuses on two unrelated characters, Jesse & Nick, who's paths become intertwined. Jesse, in her final year of high school, is determined to ma... Read all'In The Red' is a 15-20 minute short film that focuses on two unrelated characters, Jesse & Nick, who's paths become intertwined. Jesse, in her final year of high school, is determined to make something of herself. She studies all day and escapes the trouble at home by riding the... Read all'In The Red' is a 15-20 minute short film that focuses on two unrelated characters, Jesse & Nick, who's paths become intertwined. Jesse, in her final year of high school, is determined to make something of herself. She studies all day and escapes the trouble at home by riding the nightrider until the last stop. Things are weighing down on her but she's trying to keep ... Read all