If you are looking for an exhaustive look at the Romanov dynasty of Russia, then you may want to skip "Empire of the Tsars". While it's a good show, it's not complete and in order to be so, the program would have to include several more episodes. Instead, it's an overview of the more important Romanovs--with particular emphasis on Peter the Great, Catherine the Great and how the later incompetent Tsars lost control of the nation by refusing to make meaningful change. As such, it's an excellent history lesson for the average person--a person that doesn't need every name and date but just coverage of the highlights.
I noticed that one reviewer really, really hated the host, Lucy Worsley, and the language was very harsh. While I agree she is NOT a typical host and seems decidedly working class in her language and style, the criticism seems unfair. I actually enjoyed her modern and somewhat less professorial and professional manner. Well worth seeing overall.