Karensky became known for his graduation film at the Pasadena Art Center College of Design, groundbreaking short film RISE based on the popular Grand Theft Auto series that integrated a third person perspective.
Grand Theft Auto: RISE became an immediate viral sensation, generating more than 13 million YouTube views and earning Karensky a spot in Saatchi & Saatchi's New Directors Showcase at the 2013 Cannes Film Festival.
Awards for Grand Theft Auto: RISE short film include AICP, a Golden Addy Award, WEBBY Honoree, and Silver Telly Award, and other awards.
The short film became #1 popular video around the web
and #2 best short film in 2012 on Film Shortage.
Critics praised his raw talent. "It blows every other fan-made project I've ever laid eyes on completely out of the water" (Sam Gibbs, Gizmodo UK).