Its like, how many annoying, brainless characters can we jam into a TV series with Jonny Gray? A lot. More than enough to go around in this poor excuse for entertainment. Zero common sense evident. The main character "Kit" is plenty unbearable In accordance with her opiate junkie logic, "I'm going to a horse riding school but I'm scared of riding horses." Riiight.. and whats with the segregation themes? Why do the two Indian kids have to be in love? Why do the Americans always stick with each other and hide in the barn discussing little schemes? 90% of my time watching this show was spent thinking "what?...why?..." I don't blame the actors and actresses (mostly) I know its the writers/director telling them to speak and act that way. There are a few (eg: 2) other semi tolerable characters that lend some kind of charm to what would otherwise be a complete train wreck. what do you expect, a familiar case is the show Max & Shred. Jonny Gray is pretty much the only tolerable character in both instances.