1 review
I just watched Thom Pain and my review can be summed up in three letters - WTF. I gave it a rating of "2" for the few moments of laughter - and I mean FEW laughs - within this show, but it was really painful to watch. It was like listening to that drunk uncle who shows up to dinner over the holidays and tells one endless story that you just can't escape.
Many members of the audience seem to be very uncomfortable and I understand why. They are either disturbed by the content or uncomfortable because they are wondering what they are watching. I fell into the latter category.
This is one of those pretentious plays (which is really just a long monologue) that tries to be meaningful, but just goes nowhere and does nothing. It is a series of half-stories that Rainn tells, interrupting himself often along the way.
What you will notice is that I am not discussing the content at all. That's because it is extremely difficult to summarize. I watched it and still can't really tell you. The summary shown on this page is as close as I could do myself.
I am glad that some people seem touched by this, but I am certainly not one of them. Early in the show, someone in the audience walks out. I wish I had been that person.
Many members of the audience seem to be very uncomfortable and I understand why. They are either disturbed by the content or uncomfortable because they are wondering what they are watching. I fell into the latter category.
This is one of those pretentious plays (which is really just a long monologue) that tries to be meaningful, but just goes nowhere and does nothing. It is a series of half-stories that Rainn tells, interrupting himself often along the way.
What you will notice is that I am not discussing the content at all. That's because it is extremely difficult to summarize. I watched it and still can't really tell you. The summary shown on this page is as close as I could do myself.
I am glad that some people seem touched by this, but I am certainly not one of them. Early in the show, someone in the audience walks out. I wish I had been that person.