- Allusions of Grandeur [Kyle Saubert]
- AndersonVision [Troy Anderson]
- Avi Offer [The NYC Movie Guru]
- CompuServe ShowBiz [Harvey Karten]
- Global Possibilities.org (Casey Coates Danson)
- HotIndieNews.com [Dani Liebling]
- How a conformist film critic operates
- Indiewire: Designed to Trick You [Eric Kohn]
- Irish Film Critic [Ashley Marie Wells]
- kino-zeit.de [Rochus Wolff]
- German
- Movieguide
- PBS POV: Anecdotal Evidence over Scientific Credibility [Tom Roston]
- Reality Distilled into Words [Elliott Freed]
- riverfronttimes.com [Danny Wicentowski]
- Sacrificing children's lives for the bizarre conception of the "Greater Good"
- Science-Based Medicine [David Gorski]
- Screen-Space [Simon Foster]
- Spielfilm.de - Filmkritik [Bianka Piringer]
- German
- The Guardian [Jordan Hoffman]
- The Guardian: One-Sided Film Leaves the Elephant In the Room [Jordan Hoffman]
- The Hollywood Reporter: Absorbing but unpersuasive [Frank Scheck]
- TheRunDownLive.com
- Variety: Paranoia-stoking documentary [Joe Leyden]
- Why Our Children Should Hate Us
- Wylie Writes [Addison Wylie]
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