"Screamplay" follows aspiring screenwriter Frank Stein, whose B-movie horror scripts have not impressed the fat-cat studio exec at Moonster Pictures. To scramble up some extra cash, Frank an... Read all"Screamplay" follows aspiring screenwriter Frank Stein, whose B-movie horror scripts have not impressed the fat-cat studio exec at Moonster Pictures. To scramble up some extra cash, Frank and his girlfriend Shelly Mary (who is both cooler and smarter) head to the Stein Manor. The... Read all"Screamplay" follows aspiring screenwriter Frank Stein, whose B-movie horror scripts have not impressed the fat-cat studio exec at Moonster Pictures. To scramble up some extra cash, Frank and his girlfriend Shelly Mary (who is both cooler and smarter) head to the Stein Manor. There, they are greeted by Igorré, the beautiful and vaguely foreign caretaker, who shows Fra... Read all