22 reviews
A very low budget zombie/comedy movie set in the south with a simple plot. Due to a invasive species of weed they've been dropping an experimental pesticide to stop it's growth and kill it basically contaminating everything related to it. We don't see any of this really, it's told to us with scrolling dialogue in the opening of the film and there's some interaction with the pilot whose been hired to spray it from his plane. Then through various means people die, become infected, and come back as zombies. Pretty standard contamination zombie plot. That's all fine and well, you expect it to be goofy.
The problem here is the bad special effects and the acting, it's just really bad, especially the acting. I don't expect Shakespeare or anything but it was just especially bad and the dialogue fell completely flat. Also it just flat out wasn't funny. So if the zombie effects suck, the acting sucks, and the comedic elements suck...you're not left with much of a movie.
If you're desperate for a zombie movie I guess this works. I don't recommend it.
The problem here is the bad special effects and the acting, it's just really bad, especially the acting. I don't expect Shakespeare or anything but it was just especially bad and the dialogue fell completely flat. Also it just flat out wasn't funny. So if the zombie effects suck, the acting sucks, and the comedic elements suck...you're not left with much of a movie.
If you're desperate for a zombie movie I guess this works. I don't recommend it.
- terrencepatrix
- Mar 9, 2018
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- nogodnomasters
- Mar 12, 2018
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- johnanthonymazzei
- Mar 4, 2018
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The low rating and not so good reviews were not a good sign, and if other recent low-budget viewings were anything to go by was worried that it would be one of those that bad or worse films. But there was the concept, while a very weird one it was oddly intriguing, though knowing what to expect was not difficult. So watched 'Attack of the Southern Fried Zombies' anyway as part of one of my film and television quests (often completest).
Have seen worse films as part of my recent modest at best/low budget film quest definitely, but that is saying little. 'Attack of the Southern Fried Zombies' is still a terrible film in nearly every way. It is also one of those films that doesn't intrigue at all, offers very little new and is so implausible and ridiculous. The concept was not a derivative one as such, but the execution is and is also too conventional, extremely dull and bland, often very hard to take at face value even with what it was going for (understand the turning-brain-off-at-door thing but the film went too far the other way) and seemed resistant to take any risks.
Two points in its favour is some atmosphere in the lighting and that the beginning somewhat showed a promise in providing some unsettlement and fun. Both are too far and between, any atmospheric lighting is wasted by most of it being drab, sloppy at best effects, a too compact setting, haphazard editing and some photography that induces nausea. Meanwhile the film goes down south very quickly and doesn't recover.
Direction is at best pedestrian and this does affect the pacing and the direction of the actors. The acting is at best risible with no exceptions, they are all as bad as each other so picking out a dishonourable mention is hard, and the character interaction is very bland and sometimes random.
From start to finish, 'Attack of the Southern Fried Zombies' badly lacks tension or suspense, which immediately dilutes the atmosphere. Nothing scares and it even for a horror with comic elements goes well overboard on the witless and juvenile humour and nothing scary or creative at all, which is why there is so much predictability. Everything is easily foreseeable long before it happens and the zombies are more goofy than creepy. The script never sounds natural and the cheese and childish factor is sky high and the interest factor low as can be.
The story is ruined by being paper thin, useless padding and a very erratic pace, sometimes rushed, others draggy. As with some recent viewings, it did feel too much like a short film stretched out to feature length with nowhere near enough content to fill it. A lot of it doesn't make sense either and is intelligence insultingly ridiculous. The characters are never interesting, even with few attempts to which are so flimsily developed that it is difficult to care for any of them, and frustrate with the way they behave. So many stupid and illogical character behaviours here matched by the far-fetched ending.
In conclusion, a mess. 2/10 Bethany Cox
Have seen worse films as part of my recent modest at best/low budget film quest definitely, but that is saying little. 'Attack of the Southern Fried Zombies' is still a terrible film in nearly every way. It is also one of those films that doesn't intrigue at all, offers very little new and is so implausible and ridiculous. The concept was not a derivative one as such, but the execution is and is also too conventional, extremely dull and bland, often very hard to take at face value even with what it was going for (understand the turning-brain-off-at-door thing but the film went too far the other way) and seemed resistant to take any risks.
Two points in its favour is some atmosphere in the lighting and that the beginning somewhat showed a promise in providing some unsettlement and fun. Both are too far and between, any atmospheric lighting is wasted by most of it being drab, sloppy at best effects, a too compact setting, haphazard editing and some photography that induces nausea. Meanwhile the film goes down south very quickly and doesn't recover.
Direction is at best pedestrian and this does affect the pacing and the direction of the actors. The acting is at best risible with no exceptions, they are all as bad as each other so picking out a dishonourable mention is hard, and the character interaction is very bland and sometimes random.
From start to finish, 'Attack of the Southern Fried Zombies' badly lacks tension or suspense, which immediately dilutes the atmosphere. Nothing scares and it even for a horror with comic elements goes well overboard on the witless and juvenile humour and nothing scary or creative at all, which is why there is so much predictability. Everything is easily foreseeable long before it happens and the zombies are more goofy than creepy. The script never sounds natural and the cheese and childish factor is sky high and the interest factor low as can be.
The story is ruined by being paper thin, useless padding and a very erratic pace, sometimes rushed, others draggy. As with some recent viewings, it did feel too much like a short film stretched out to feature length with nowhere near enough content to fill it. A lot of it doesn't make sense either and is intelligence insultingly ridiculous. The characters are never interesting, even with few attempts to which are so flimsily developed that it is difficult to care for any of them, and frustrate with the way they behave. So many stupid and illogical character behaviours here matched by the far-fetched ending.
In conclusion, a mess. 2/10 Bethany Cox
- TheLittleSongbird
- Aug 8, 2018
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I watched this movie and I literally can't laugh at anything even at the amateur editing. The story wasn't great, it boring me to be honest. Everything seems so silly, no one actually act really well. As a zombie movie lovers I highly do not recommend this to watch if you're planning because you'll be cringe the whole time. I get that this movie is really a low budget one but at least they could've helped the actors/actress to act better.
I mean it, everything is very silly in this movie.
I mean it, everything is very silly in this movie.
- yedidakaren
- Nov 2, 2018
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Of course when you have a low budget film, don't expect an extraordinary movie. There are films where the director and writer produce a wonderful story without any effects and good acting. But this is just terrible. The acting needs lots of improving as they didn't seem to show any talent. In some parts you could see that it was all a joke to them.
At times it made you cringe and look away from the TV, not because of the blood and gore (if you want to call it that) but because of the lines actors used: childish, nonsense and practically pathetic.
I would be too embarrassed to flirt this film to anyone and to say how good it is would just be an extreme joke. Credit for trying but good films can be written and directed without trying to hard especially if the budget isn't there.
At times it made you cringe and look away from the TV, not because of the blood and gore (if you want to call it that) but because of the lines actors used: childish, nonsense and practically pathetic.
I would be too embarrassed to flirt this film to anyone and to say how good it is would just be an extreme joke. Credit for trying but good films can be written and directed without trying to hard especially if the budget isn't there.
- panther_husky
- Mar 10, 2018
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- Ken-chuyuan-lin
- Feb 18, 2019
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This movie was so horrible and horridly acted that, it's not even worth watching for the camp value. NO ONE in this movie can act. The writing was awful. The worst part is the creator of this turd, dares review it himself on IMDB. This movie is the cinematic version of a Taco Bell Fart to the mouth. Avoid this movie and any movie that has someone associated with this monstrosity in it. Good lord.
- SamUnfiltered1979
- Jul 23, 2018
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Do not watch this if you are the last man on earth and there is no other movies!
- MahyarErshad
- May 3, 2019
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Being a sucker for all things zombie, I did of course pick up this movie when I happened to come across it. And while I hadn't heard about it prior to finding it, and having no expectations to it at all, I still did sit down to watch it.
Needless to say that it turned out that "Attack of the Southern Fried Zombies" was every bit as low budget and generic as I had anticipated.
While it was very clear that the movie was definitely made by someone with ambition and a passion for the zombie genre, this movie just suffered from having a too small budge,t and also at being an overly generic zombie movie.
The storyline brought nothing new or innovative to the zombie genre, and it was all something that had been seen before.
While the movie had fairly bad CGI effects, they more than made up for that with the amount of gore and mayhem they tossed into the movie. That was definitely a plus for the movie.
The acting in "Attack of the Southern Fried Zombies" was as to be expected for a movie of this genre and budget. So don't get your hopes up!
The zombie special effects and make-up was adequate, but again really was weighed down by the fact that it is a low budget movie.
This zombie movie was definitely not among the worst of zombie movies around, but there was room for much improvement. And it is hardly the type of movie that you will watch more than once.
Needless to say that it turned out that "Attack of the Southern Fried Zombies" was every bit as low budget and generic as I had anticipated.
While it was very clear that the movie was definitely made by someone with ambition and a passion for the zombie genre, this movie just suffered from having a too small budge,t and also at being an overly generic zombie movie.
The storyline brought nothing new or innovative to the zombie genre, and it was all something that had been seen before.
While the movie had fairly bad CGI effects, they more than made up for that with the amount of gore and mayhem they tossed into the movie. That was definitely a plus for the movie.
The acting in "Attack of the Southern Fried Zombies" was as to be expected for a movie of this genre and budget. So don't get your hopes up!
The zombie special effects and make-up was adequate, but again really was weighed down by the fact that it is a low budget movie.
This zombie movie was definitely not among the worst of zombie movies around, but there was room for much improvement. And it is hardly the type of movie that you will watch more than once.
- paul_haakonsen
- Jun 8, 2018
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I thought this movie was really entertaining and funny.
It kept me in suspense of what was going to happen next, I laughed at some of the dialogue, the storyline was what you would expect of a horror/comedy movie and the acting and directing was good in my opinion.
See, I myself love to watch horror/comedy and thriller movies, they are my favorites. And this one I really liked a lot, would recommend to my friends to watch! My friend Annie already has watched it and said the same.
- lauramills-16470
- Mar 22, 2018
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I enjoyed this movie. It is Comedy-Horror... but it's more serious and action oriented than I expected. Fans of Sharknado take note - it should be right up your alley!
- guthriepaul-36383
- Apr 26, 2018
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Unlike most zombie movies, be this one is almost decent. While the sfx are amateurish, the direction and sound are ok. The acting Run's the gamut from bad to nearly ok, and the story is decent. Turns out a chemical to kill kudzu is the culprit. I'd be ok if I never saw this again, but it didn't hurt my brain like so many others.
HEY EVERYBODY ITS ME (4) and today we review ...........
do you love "sharknado?" ....or "birdemic" ? .... then youll love this ........ it stems from the long line of great films so bad their ...well okay enough to watch .........
another zombie film , so ....story = one of a couple of things , chemical spill, something from space OR nazi experiments making zombies ....WELP this one is the classic chemical story .... so we start off with small town USA having their yearly celebration , fun family and MEAT PIE rivalry of course ...literally every town USA .......so then we have OF COURSE the standard group of young adults , the stoners, the lovers the blah blah blah ........we have the zombies show up from some uh h chemical plot convenience ........and then guns and explosions and death all around for an hour and the end .......
not alot to this one really ........ i mean its cheesy , its got a silly story plot over all .and its got rough acting and even terrible/ly fun acting at points " let em watch , h#ll ill sell some tickets - i F**king love you" ...lol... okay i guess they didnt act that bad at all thats some me and my wife $#!t right there ......... WEEEHAWWWWWW .......but the film wasnt anything to overwhelming but not underwhelming either ..it was just whelming enough to get by .......... i hate to keep giving out these middle of the road ratings to films BUT it seems that i almost have to ....in this ones defense it has decent moments over all ..the zombies were NOT the worst ive seen , also not the best ...dang middle of the road ........the acting ...middle ...of the road .............story ...........editing ....... FX they were a little less than par .. HA HA !!!!!!!! They drove a little off the road BAM there we go ..........
this rides along side films like sharknado and birdemic though .... they are bad BUT you enjoy watching them just to see how bad and sometimes you find something in them that makes them almost good to you ....sure your not going to admit that to your friends .....and youll NEVER let anyone know you watch it or own the dvd etc ...but its okay man ......your secret is safe with me ........
do you love "sharknado?" ....or "birdemic" ? .... then youll love this ........ it stems from the long line of great films so bad their ...well okay enough to watch .........
another zombie film , so ....story = one of a couple of things , chemical spill, something from space OR nazi experiments making zombies ....WELP this one is the classic chemical story .... so we start off with small town USA having their yearly celebration , fun family and MEAT PIE rivalry of course ...literally every town USA .......so then we have OF COURSE the standard group of young adults , the stoners, the lovers the blah blah blah ........we have the zombies show up from some uh h chemical plot convenience ........and then guns and explosions and death all around for an hour and the end .......
not alot to this one really ........ i mean its cheesy , its got a silly story plot over all .and its got rough acting and even terrible/ly fun acting at points " let em watch , h#ll ill sell some tickets - i F**king love you" ...lol... okay i guess they didnt act that bad at all thats some me and my wife $#!t right there ......... WEEEHAWWWWWW .......but the film wasnt anything to overwhelming but not underwhelming either ..it was just whelming enough to get by .......... i hate to keep giving out these middle of the road ratings to films BUT it seems that i almost have to ....in this ones defense it has decent moments over all ..the zombies were NOT the worst ive seen , also not the best ...dang middle of the road ........the acting ...middle ...of the road .............story ...........editing ....... FX they were a little less than par .. HA HA !!!!!!!! They drove a little off the road BAM there we go ..........
this rides along side films like sharknado and birdemic though .... they are bad BUT you enjoy watching them just to see how bad and sometimes you find something in them that makes them almost good to you ....sure your not going to admit that to your friends .....and youll NEVER let anyone know you watch it or own the dvd etc ...but its okay man ......your secret is safe with me ........
- godinamachine
- Mar 22, 2022
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This is really a punch line example for the movie. It's pretty bad. Not really funny. Not scary. Just bad. I don't think there's going to be a Kevin Bacon or a Jamie Lee coming out of this one. That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it. 2/10.
- wandernn1-81-683274
- May 8, 2022
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I'm a little bised since I filmed this movie.
It has been compared to films like Tucker and Dale vs Evil (a favorite of mine). There's many hidden reverences to classic zombie and horror films and a few modern pop culture references too. There's a lot I can't discuss here, including budget, but suffice to say, it was mostly a fantastic experience and the cast and crew truly bonded.
The chemistry between the cast is pretty rare. Everyone was best friends within a day of meeting. Random trivia: this movie was filmed almost 100% in reverse order. We filmed the ending scenes first. Guess what?! We didn't hire a script supervisor (not my call). Contenuity is pretty decent considering that huge issue. This movie isn't for everyone, but it'll find an audience. Stick through to the ending and I'm pretty sure you'll be glad you did. It might even become a cult classic eventually!
Jonathan Hammond -cinematographer of Attack of the Southern Fried Zombies
Jonathan Hammond -cinematographer of Attack of the Southern Fried Zombies
- Jonathan_Hammond
- Mar 5, 2018
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It's definitely not Director Mark Newton's best, but it's worth checking out. The story follows some pretty interesting characters in the Down South part of the country. The zombie kills are funny, and the comedy will get you to laugh most of the time. It gets fairly gory, too, and it keeps the show rollin' along.
To all fans of the late '80s original Predator movie... Keep your ears listening for the famous line "Get to the chopper!"
To all fans of the late '80s original Predator movie... Keep your ears listening for the famous line "Get to the chopper!"
- myles_mclane
- May 14, 2018
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Plez overlook the 20 minute rule on the budget zombie flick.
Everything about silly zombie story is just silly and silly .... but you can tell by the actors they surely must have had a hoot while making it. If you are thread thin budget zombie movie fan then this one is not to be skipped.
Full of dumb laffs and the 'girlfriends' are hot.
Everything about silly zombie story is just silly and silly .... but you can tell by the actors they surely must have had a hoot while making it. If you are thread thin budget zombie movie fan then this one is not to be skipped.
Full of dumb laffs and the 'girlfriends' are hot.
The movie is funniest to those of us who are from the South.
It's dumb, it's fun, and the people who made it enjoyed themselves.
It's dumb, it's fun, and the people who made it enjoyed themselves.
If you're looking for Citizen Kane, this isn't your movie. But if you want to sit down to popcorn and a good time, this film fits the bill. If you like silly, zombie gore, give 'Southern Fried' a chance.
Low budget zombie flick clocking in under 90 minutes and that's okay because in the beginning when we are at the fair it takes a bit too long and all cliches do come along. The bands performing all to long, People arriving at the fair, too long, but luckily for the flick it turns into a zombie flick just before you think, no this is bad.
Funny to see that the director tried to add the lesbian bad ass girls into it with a little nudity. The effects used are from okay to nicely done with editing to really bad (explosions) at the end when everything is destroyed.
Overall above mediocre for such a low budget flicks.
Gore 1,5/5 Nudity 0,5/5 Effects 1/5 Story 2/5 Comedy 0/5
Funny to see that the director tried to add the lesbian bad ass girls into it with a little nudity. The effects used are from okay to nicely done with editing to really bad (explosions) at the end when everything is destroyed.
Overall above mediocre for such a low budget flicks.
Gore 1,5/5 Nudity 0,5/5 Effects 1/5 Story 2/5 Comedy 0/5
After spraying a new crop fertilizer, the residents of a small-town celebration find it crashed by flesh-eating zombies spawned through a new experimental chemical being tested to control overgrown vegetation in the area and must gather the surviving townspeople to get them to safety.
For the most part, there's a lot to like here. A lot of the fun with this one comes from the zombie outbreak that occurs here which has plenty going for it. The opening to this gives us everything we need to know about the situation, from the possible source of the infection to the character relationships which signal the introduction of the virus to the population as the arrival of the infected creatures on the outskirts of town. This becomes all the better when mixed alongside the outrageous zombie action on display. The comedic tone of the zombie chase through the undergrowth adds a nice bit of humor to the severity of the encounter offers a great starting point to the chaos that erupts at the music festival. From the first instances of them taking out the stragglers who then turn on those inside the festival grounds in a frenzied manner causing all sorts of carnage ripping people to pieces, pulling off limbs, devouring body parts and other fun encounters. The race to get out provides some fun action trying to overcome the encroaching swarms providing plenty of bloody kills amidst the frantic sequences. Once they've left the festival, the action that occurs in the escape attempt to reach the facility keeps this one going incredibly well. Once out of the fair, the series of gun-battles and confrontations on the streets not only between the friends but a militia group that's trying to regain control has some great cheesy fun included. The main finale where they arrive at the swarmed facility and try to use the available weaponry to try to overcome the creatures in a last-ditch effort involving plenty of cheesy, high-end action set pieces featuring the destruction of the base as a rather fine explosive-filled sequence to take out the zombies. Combined with the fun gore effects and decent zombie make-up, there's enough to like with this one. This one does have a few issues. Among its main problems are the absurd and terrible-looking CGI present here for so many action scenes, completely ruining the moment at the wrong time by rendering awful-looking graphics on-screen that don't mesh with anything else happening and stand out as being noticeable. Likewise, the high number of survivors seems weird when there's not a whole lot of reasoning why they don't all get killed during the fray. The other issue is the somewhat obscure motivation for starting the infection, pointing it to a singular individual and spreading it but there's nothing about how they get infected nor why none of the other inhabitants were. Beyond these, there isn't much to dislike with this one.
Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language and Brief Nudity.
For the most part, there's a lot to like here. A lot of the fun with this one comes from the zombie outbreak that occurs here which has plenty going for it. The opening to this gives us everything we need to know about the situation, from the possible source of the infection to the character relationships which signal the introduction of the virus to the population as the arrival of the infected creatures on the outskirts of town. This becomes all the better when mixed alongside the outrageous zombie action on display. The comedic tone of the zombie chase through the undergrowth adds a nice bit of humor to the severity of the encounter offers a great starting point to the chaos that erupts at the music festival. From the first instances of them taking out the stragglers who then turn on those inside the festival grounds in a frenzied manner causing all sorts of carnage ripping people to pieces, pulling off limbs, devouring body parts and other fun encounters. The race to get out provides some fun action trying to overcome the encroaching swarms providing plenty of bloody kills amidst the frantic sequences. Once they've left the festival, the action that occurs in the escape attempt to reach the facility keeps this one going incredibly well. Once out of the fair, the series of gun-battles and confrontations on the streets not only between the friends but a militia group that's trying to regain control has some great cheesy fun included. The main finale where they arrive at the swarmed facility and try to use the available weaponry to try to overcome the creatures in a last-ditch effort involving plenty of cheesy, high-end action set pieces featuring the destruction of the base as a rather fine explosive-filled sequence to take out the zombies. Combined with the fun gore effects and decent zombie make-up, there's enough to like with this one. This one does have a few issues. Among its main problems are the absurd and terrible-looking CGI present here for so many action scenes, completely ruining the moment at the wrong time by rendering awful-looking graphics on-screen that don't mesh with anything else happening and stand out as being noticeable. Likewise, the high number of survivors seems weird when there's not a whole lot of reasoning why they don't all get killed during the fray. The other issue is the somewhat obscure motivation for starting the infection, pointing it to a singular individual and spreading it but there's nothing about how they get infected nor why none of the other inhabitants were. Beyond these, there isn't much to dislike with this one.
Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language and Brief Nudity.
- kannibalcorpsegrinder
- Jan 30, 2020
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