"Luis" (2017, Dragón Films/Panamericana de Producciones/Producciones Coral) directed by Archie Lopez and stars Axel Mansilla as the main protagonist, Luis alongside Dominican cinema veteran, Alfonso Rodríguez (who had studied cinematic production at the University of California, Irvine). This film is centered on the usage of weed or marijuana, within a dramatic story of there young teenagers .
Lopez's film tries within the story of Luis, played by Mansilla and his teen circles bring forth a conversation about legalizing marijuana in the Dominican Republic. Luis, a son of national hero, Colonel Rosario, played by Rodríguez who views marijuana as part of the local drug culture and a national problem.
The story's beginning unfolds with a violent scene of guns and fighting, including a military operative led by Rosario to crack down a known drug leader. Then the film changes its mood to present a tropical scenic life of teen parties, giving an impression of a Dominican privileged life. Lopez uses a lot of color in these scenes to highlight the innocence and sheltered lives of Luis and his friends, with a youthful music soundtrack of electronic dance grooves and reggaton.
Then after being scolded by his parents for partying and scoring low school grades, Luis sneaks off to buy weed for more partying. Luis with his cousin and family friend get caught by a military sergeant then have to face consequences of his angry father, Rosario and the Dominican legal system. It's an urban drama that ultimately attempts to critique the legal punishment of possessing narcotics and sentencing young privileged Dominicans, being that Luis is Colonel Rosario's son.