At minute 4:40, the trunk into which the heart and brain were carelessly loaded in open jars is now missing the right side latch.
At minute 4:16 the aircraft shown flying in is N87597, when it lands on the water it is shown as N67676 and the color scheme is different.
At minute 37:40 Duke gets into a boat which is tied fore and aft to the dock. After calling Hoskins on the radio, he starts the boat and drives away without untying the ropes which are magically no longer tied to the boat.
During minute 1:04 Duke and Madge are using nothing more than standard lamp cord to "wire the dynamite" charges together instead of fuses, primacord or any sort of actual detonating device.
At minute 1:00 of the opening sequence, the submarine surfaces from the ocean as if on an elevator rather than rising up from below the surface, no bobbing, no rocking, no reality involved.
At minute 3:00, the brain and heart in jars without lids are packed into a trunk with other random items. No provision being made to hold the liquid in the jars, nor to secure the jars from tipping over is made.
At minute 54:10, the lady using the shotgun pulls the trigger and the captioning says, "gun fired", but the only sound was a click, not a gun firing.