- Ain't it Cool [The Diva del Mar]
- Anatomy of a Scream [Joe Lipsett]
- Backseat Mafia [Rob Aldam]
- battleroyalewithcheese.com [Last Caress]
- Big Picture Film Club [Presh Williams]
- Bloody Flicks [David Dent]
- BoomHowdy [K C Canton]
- Cinema Fantastique [Damien Taymans]
- French
- Desde Abajo [Zed Kosnar]
- Flea Pit Cinema UK [Son of Dave]
- Flickering Myth [Matt Rodgers]
- Horror Cult Films [David S. Smith]
- Horror Freak News [Michael Klug]
- Indie Horror Online [John Migliore]
- J.B. Spins [Joe Bendel]
- Library Journal [Tyler Hixson]
- London Horror Society [Seema Chohan]
- Lucy Goes To Hollywood [Lucy Buglass]
- Modern Horrors [Anthony Alaniz]
- Nightmare on Film Street [Chris Aitkens]
- Opinion as a movie-freak [Pluymers Peter]
- Pop Horror [Tori Danielle]
- Realm of Horror [Dark Angel]
- Search my Trash [Mike Haberfelner]
- Starburst Magazine [Michael Coldwell]
- TerrorWeekend.com [Omar Parra]
- Spanish
- The Farsighted - follow up post [Garrett Smith]
- The Farsighted [Garrett Smith]
- The Rotting Zombie [Daniel Simmonds]
- The Screamcast [Mike Delaney & Stephanie Crawford]
- TheHorrocist.com [Billy Rutterford]
- UK Horror Scene [Tony Sands]
- Warped Perspective [Ben Bussey]
- ZoboWithAShotgun.com [Luke Green]
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