798 reviews
This latest version of the Slender Man mythology seems to be universally reviled though I don't entirely understand why. It's not great but it's simply not THAT bad.
Alike Lovecraft Slender Man seems to be one of those commonly used subject matters that always seeems to miss the mark. Filmmakers just don't seem to be able to make the most out of the fantastic material presented before them.
So yet again we see a tale of a group of young folks on the run from the Slender Man and spooky things happen. Yadayadayada.
With a decent young cast including Joey King and Annalise Basso we're presented with the glossiest and most high budget Slender Man movie yet. Sadly along with the budget comes all the usual Hollywood horror flaws, demonstrating once again how badly Hollywood have lost their way when it comes to the entire genre.
Sure it looks great, but the plot tail spins out of control by about the halfway mark and that's such a shame as up until then it was showing real potential. Hollywood need to go back to the drawing board, hire indie filmmakers to adapt material otherwise we'll just keep getting this Insidious/Conjuring tripe.
Slender Man has it's moments and the concept is pure gold, this however is more squandered potential.
The Good:
It's Slender Man!
Great cast
The Bad:
Plot falls apart badly
Potential isn't met
Too many common tropes and cliches
Things I Learnt From This Movie:
Slender Man mythology is fantastic but really inconsistent, no wonder they get it so wrong with adaptations
Joey King and Annalise Basso are going to be big stars
Slender Man is like Aliens (Xenomorphs), he needs keeping in the shadows or he looks a bit silly
This should have been called The Ring: Slender Man
Alike Lovecraft Slender Man seems to be one of those commonly used subject matters that always seeems to miss the mark. Filmmakers just don't seem to be able to make the most out of the fantastic material presented before them.
So yet again we see a tale of a group of young folks on the run from the Slender Man and spooky things happen. Yadayadayada.
With a decent young cast including Joey King and Annalise Basso we're presented with the glossiest and most high budget Slender Man movie yet. Sadly along with the budget comes all the usual Hollywood horror flaws, demonstrating once again how badly Hollywood have lost their way when it comes to the entire genre.
Sure it looks great, but the plot tail spins out of control by about the halfway mark and that's such a shame as up until then it was showing real potential. Hollywood need to go back to the drawing board, hire indie filmmakers to adapt material otherwise we'll just keep getting this Insidious/Conjuring tripe.
Slender Man has it's moments and the concept is pure gold, this however is more squandered potential.
The Good:
It's Slender Man!
Great cast
The Bad:
Plot falls apart badly
Potential isn't met
Too many common tropes and cliches
Things I Learnt From This Movie:
Slender Man mythology is fantastic but really inconsistent, no wonder they get it so wrong with adaptations
Joey King and Annalise Basso are going to be big stars
Slender Man is like Aliens (Xenomorphs), he needs keeping in the shadows or he looks a bit silly
This should have been called The Ring: Slender Man
- Platypuschow
- Nov 23, 2018
- Permalink
It's not Slenderman himself that's scary, it's the alone-in-the-dark deafening silence and dread that made the game frightening. Freddy Krueger was scary in the first Nightmare because they didn't focus on the character, but rather the psychological terror. Slenderman tries and fails to build a story around something that only needed to bring a feeling. It tried to get us involved in the lives of shallow and boring cookie-cutter horror-movie fodder characters. The horror genre needs to be left to the artistically gifted and intelligent artists. Slenderman is yet another mass produced generic label product waiting to be forgotten. Watch the trailer, it's way better than the movie. Or better yet, watch The Ritual for a better example of what Slenderman should have looked like.
- scottbeaudette
- Aug 29, 2018
- Permalink
There isn't much good I can say. The characters are very bland and forgettable. The approach they went with this movie was just horrible. Summoning slender man was the wrong way to go about it. I thought they would take a more subtle approach. They basically used slender man like the boogeyman in sinister 2. He appeared WAY TOO MUCH. Should of had him more of a shade background character. Not to mention slender man looked horrible. I can't believe they went with the cheesy internet depiction with the suit. The effects look high school grade at best. The only good thing I can say about the movie is that one of the scenes where a main character was making out with a boy from her class at his house turned out to be the most hilarious scene I've ever seen in my life. I literally died of laughter, cried real tears in the theater at how bad the scene was because she had a slender man hallucination during it and it was just so cringeworthy, silly looking and just flat out terrible. I've never laughed like that in my life. Ending was unsatisfactory and poorly executed. I was going to give it a 2 but the entertainment factor was there because it was so bad that it was good. So I give it a 3 for that. Wait until it hits streaming.
- Royalty513
- Aug 9, 2018
- Permalink
This movie was horrible . Longest hr & half of my life. It kept dragging and relied on not so scary jump scares. I was impressed with how much the trailer made the movie look scary and good but of course it was the wonders of cutting room floor editing. Plus most scenes in the trailer aren't in the movie!!!!
- nashwahnassar
- Aug 15, 2018
- Permalink
The acting was poor, the plot was poor, even the damn lighting was poor, I couldn't even see what was happening! This was the worst movie I'd ever watched and found it to be the most confusing, stupid plot ever! Slenderman was and still is well known and if this movie had done the job well and right, it would have been a bloody blockbuster. But it was terrible and disappointing :( Plus Joey king can't act for absolute crap....Don't waste your money or time with this one! I learnt the hard way <3
- nikkibutch
- Aug 16, 2018
- Permalink
This movie is absolute crap. do not waste your money on this movie. Being into creepy pastas I wanted to check this out. Saying, oh it looked cool. So we sat down and just watched it. Seconds in, it was terrible acting. And even further into the movie, I didnt understand what was going on, even though my eyes were glued to the screen the whole time. The jumpscares are terrible and not even scary. all I wanted to do was leave since the first girl dissapeared. Do not waste money on this. I repeat, do not!
- mburkett-48847
- Aug 18, 2018
- Permalink
Currently, "Slender Man" has the distinction of being on IMDB's infamous Bottom 100 List...the 100 worst rated major release films. While I certainly didn't enjoy the film, it seems odd that this one made the list when there are so many worse modern horror films which somehow avoided the list. I just can't see this as the 50th worst film....let alone 500th.
The idea of the film is taken from a pre-existing story of a 'Slender Man' who will kill or make folks crazy who are dumb enough to call upon him. In many ways, the film is a very derivative project--using the existing notions as well as infusing it with ample parts "The Ring" as well as the "Bloody Mary" story that's been floating around for decades. With "Bloody Mary", a person supposedly calls the name out repeatedly until some murderous other worldly thing appears.
The story begins with four very dumb high school girls having a sleepover. They find some info on the internet about a Slender Man and despite being warned, they summon the creature...and the rest of the film is about them each disappearing or going mad one after the other.
The movie has a scary style to it, with its pulsing music and bass....though after a while it does become annoying instead of scary. The story itself is nothing new...consisting of lots of ideas from other stories, urban legends and films. The acting and direction are fair. My only serious complaint is that I wish it HAD been awful...that would have made it a lot more interesting.
The idea of the film is taken from a pre-existing story of a 'Slender Man' who will kill or make folks crazy who are dumb enough to call upon him. In many ways, the film is a very derivative project--using the existing notions as well as infusing it with ample parts "The Ring" as well as the "Bloody Mary" story that's been floating around for decades. With "Bloody Mary", a person supposedly calls the name out repeatedly until some murderous other worldly thing appears.
The story begins with four very dumb high school girls having a sleepover. They find some info on the internet about a Slender Man and despite being warned, they summon the creature...and the rest of the film is about them each disappearing or going mad one after the other.
The movie has a scary style to it, with its pulsing music and bass....though after a while it does become annoying instead of scary. The story itself is nothing new...consisting of lots of ideas from other stories, urban legends and films. The acting and direction are fair. My only serious complaint is that I wish it HAD been awful...that would have made it a lot more interesting.
- planktonrules
- Apr 4, 2019
- Permalink
This horror movie made me want to sleep. It was boring and bland. I thought about the ring which is a good horror movie, but this movie is not even good with the jumpscares. I do not know what to compare it with, bye bye man is even a better version. The actors were not bad, but not good either. I feel lied to, the trailer was misleading. Just read the creepypasta and play the game, but do not watch the movie. I want my time, money and my vision of scary slenderman back.
- jessicaazizova
- Aug 9, 2018
- Permalink
I never thought I'd see a horror movie worse than Bye Bye Man...
Where to start... I don't have a single positive thing to say, everything is terrible! There are no characters, the acting sucks, the writing is terrible, the effects are bad, the direction is boring, it's all tedious garbage.
It's as if huge chunks of the film have been cut out, there's barely any gore, characters straight up disappear for no reason, and alot of footage from the trailer is missing. Instead of a cliché horror movie, we have a "nothing" horror movie.
While The Bye Bye man was hilariously bad in all aspects, Slender man is just boring and frustrating. It's a film that was made 5 years too late, containing the absolute bare minimum amount of effort. I do not recommend it.
Thanks for another hit Sony!
Where to start... I don't have a single positive thing to say, everything is terrible! There are no characters, the acting sucks, the writing is terrible, the effects are bad, the direction is boring, it's all tedious garbage.
It's as if huge chunks of the film have been cut out, there's barely any gore, characters straight up disappear for no reason, and alot of footage from the trailer is missing. Instead of a cliché horror movie, we have a "nothing" horror movie.
While The Bye Bye man was hilariously bad in all aspects, Slender man is just boring and frustrating. It's a film that was made 5 years too late, containing the absolute bare minimum amount of effort. I do not recommend it.
Thanks for another hit Sony!
- irishboy141
- Aug 9, 2018
- Permalink
Sometimes a single line of dialogue can stand out in such a way that you instantly realize that a movie is awful. For 'Slender Man,' that line came from Joey King.
"He's like a computer virus except he gets inside your body and messes with you!" Oh, so you mean like a virus? Why didn't you just say, "he's a like a virus."
Several times throughout the film, that sort of hack writing shows its ugly face (as opposed to Slender Man, who technically can't be ugly because he has no face). There are zero clever lines delivered. Most of dialogue sounds like it was written by a Twitter bot designed to simulate mundane teen talk.
The putrid writing isn't limited to the dialogue-the characters themselves contain about as much detail as one could write on a Post-it note. I think of the four main characters as, girl A, girl B, girl with a sister, and token non-white girl. They're essentially indistinguishable from one another. The only difference is that some are slightly more talented performers, and, of course, the most talented girls are the first to disappear from the story.
What's really striking about the girls is that, even though they're allegedly best friends, they don't even seem to like each other. At one point, I girl makes a catty, resentful remark about her "friend's" trophies. Later, she says, "I thought you didn't care about track. I thought you cared about Chloe." (It's a miracle that I remember her name).
That moment is striking for a couple reasons. One, it doesn't seem like something that should be said between good friends, and, two, I hardly realized the girl ran track. Probably because it's never shown in the movie. I imagine the track angle played a larger role in an earlier draft then removed, but this line was left in. Editing isn't the movie's strength.
When the girls aren't making odd comments to each other or expressing all the liveliness of a folding chair, they're attempting to appear scared. To show that they're scared, they basically do an impression of a panting dog that's trying to speak. It's a lot of breathing and stammering. Acting is also not this movie's strength.
All the above flaws are enough of a turnoff, but the worst offense of this movie is that it's a scary movie that's not scary. It's painfully dull and devoid of anything that may actually make it entertaining. It's as if all the interesting scenes were removed. Why, I'm not sure. Maybe they also cut out the parts that made this appear to be a coherent story.
'Slender Man' is one of the worst movies of 2018. It's not a scary movie that's so bad that it's secretly kind of fun. It's just a bad, boring movie. I recommend a hard pass.
"He's like a computer virus except he gets inside your body and messes with you!" Oh, so you mean like a virus? Why didn't you just say, "he's a like a virus."
Several times throughout the film, that sort of hack writing shows its ugly face (as opposed to Slender Man, who technically can't be ugly because he has no face). There are zero clever lines delivered. Most of dialogue sounds like it was written by a Twitter bot designed to simulate mundane teen talk.
The putrid writing isn't limited to the dialogue-the characters themselves contain about as much detail as one could write on a Post-it note. I think of the four main characters as, girl A, girl B, girl with a sister, and token non-white girl. They're essentially indistinguishable from one another. The only difference is that some are slightly more talented performers, and, of course, the most talented girls are the first to disappear from the story.
What's really striking about the girls is that, even though they're allegedly best friends, they don't even seem to like each other. At one point, I girl makes a catty, resentful remark about her "friend's" trophies. Later, she says, "I thought you didn't care about track. I thought you cared about Chloe." (It's a miracle that I remember her name).
That moment is striking for a couple reasons. One, it doesn't seem like something that should be said between good friends, and, two, I hardly realized the girl ran track. Probably because it's never shown in the movie. I imagine the track angle played a larger role in an earlier draft then removed, but this line was left in. Editing isn't the movie's strength.
When the girls aren't making odd comments to each other or expressing all the liveliness of a folding chair, they're attempting to appear scared. To show that they're scared, they basically do an impression of a panting dog that's trying to speak. It's a lot of breathing and stammering. Acting is also not this movie's strength.
All the above flaws are enough of a turnoff, but the worst offense of this movie is that it's a scary movie that's not scary. It's painfully dull and devoid of anything that may actually make it entertaining. It's as if all the interesting scenes were removed. Why, I'm not sure. Maybe they also cut out the parts that made this appear to be a coherent story.
'Slender Man' is one of the worst movies of 2018. It's not a scary movie that's so bad that it's secretly kind of fun. It's just a bad, boring movie. I recommend a hard pass.
- Jared_Andrews
- Aug 17, 2018
- Permalink
This movie actually fulfilled my childhood horror by just making a movie about Slender Man. Sure it was really cheesy at points, but it still had good horror elements. Plus the fact that they set it in the new generation instead of last generation, was a point I have to give them
- joelshyrock
- Aug 12, 2018
- Permalink
Slender Man is okay. Basic formula you've seen before in these cheap horror movies. It's not scary, nor is it bad enough to be enjoyable in that sense. Surprisingly some of the cinematography looks good and there's some interesting surrealist moments, but the acting is okay at best and the dialogue is sometimes quite cringey. "Scares" are mostly just jump scares and a lot of the scenes felt the same.
The source material is hard enough to work with so those familiar with Slendy's origins will find this strangely adapted. Slender works more for creepypastas and video games, not so much cinematically. Far from the worst horror movie made, but definitely disappointing, although what would you expect from a Slender Man movie coming out in 2018? Some will hate this movie because of how bland it is, and I could totally understand that, but from a more objective perspective, it's a functional film that lacks spirit.
Not really worth seeing.
The source material is hard enough to work with so those familiar with Slendy's origins will find this strangely adapted. Slender works more for creepypastas and video games, not so much cinematically. Far from the worst horror movie made, but definitely disappointing, although what would you expect from a Slender Man movie coming out in 2018? Some will hate this movie because of how bland it is, and I could totally understand that, but from a more objective perspective, it's a functional film that lacks spirit.
Not really worth seeing.
- Ol_MekDonald
- Aug 9, 2018
- Permalink
From the moment you see the trailer you know what type of movie it's going to be. It's not supposed to be a deep drama that leaves you thinking about life.
This movie does its job just fine for the genre it is! Like many others, like countdown, truth or dare, where the cast might have been a tad stronger they are all similar; it's an entity where ultimately they can't defeat.
It has its cliches, sure and it works. The movie didn't really lied to you where you have to give it a 1 or 2 because you feel cheated. It's stripped bare and delivers on what it promises. Does not deserve the 3.9. I've seen way worse...just today.
This movie does its job just fine for the genre it is! Like many others, like countdown, truth or dare, where the cast might have been a tad stronger they are all similar; it's an entity where ultimately they can't defeat.
It has its cliches, sure and it works. The movie didn't really lied to you where you have to give it a 1 or 2 because you feel cheated. It's stripped bare and delivers on what it promises. Does not deserve the 3.9. I've seen way worse...just today.
- lovetthosethingsyallcallmovies
- Jul 11, 2023
- Permalink
Right, well first of all a movie based on a laughable urban myth or legend hardly makes for much of a foundation for success. Then top that off with having a movie that was downright laughable in script, plot, character-wise and fully devoid of scary moments, and you have the 2018 movie "Slender Man" from director Sylvain White.
I had to divide this movie into two, I couldn't suffer through the hardships of sitting down and watching it in one prolonged go. It was just that painful to bear witness to. I managed to endure 50 minutes in the first sitting, then had to give up. And I had essentially given up on the movie entirely, but my wife convinced me to watch the rest of it on the next day. So I did... And let's just say that the rest of the movie didn't do anything to lift up the ordeal that was the first 50 minutes.
The entire movie was wholly and fully devoid of anything that would be scary to a grown up, which leads me to believe that this movie was intended for the same kind of airheaded audience whom would also believe that the Slender Man legend is actually true.
The characters in the movie were unbelievably stupid, one-dimensional and completely devoid of any sense of intelligence and common sense. It was just painful to witness their actions and the way they milled about on the screen. Now, I am not saying that the actresses were subpar or inadequate. No, not at all. I am saying that the characters written for the story could just as easily have been portrayed by cardboard cutouts.
Once the movie ended, you didn't even fell that the movie had come full circle. It had just dragged you along by the nose for the entire duration that it ran for, without providing any kind of proper entertainment.
Do not succumb to the same mistake that I did when I went to watch this movie. The trailer actually made it look interesting. The actual movie, well let's just say that watching grass grow is far scarier...
I had to divide this movie into two, I couldn't suffer through the hardships of sitting down and watching it in one prolonged go. It was just that painful to bear witness to. I managed to endure 50 minutes in the first sitting, then had to give up. And I had essentially given up on the movie entirely, but my wife convinced me to watch the rest of it on the next day. So I did... And let's just say that the rest of the movie didn't do anything to lift up the ordeal that was the first 50 minutes.
The entire movie was wholly and fully devoid of anything that would be scary to a grown up, which leads me to believe that this movie was intended for the same kind of airheaded audience whom would also believe that the Slender Man legend is actually true.
The characters in the movie were unbelievably stupid, one-dimensional and completely devoid of any sense of intelligence and common sense. It was just painful to witness their actions and the way they milled about on the screen. Now, I am not saying that the actresses were subpar or inadequate. No, not at all. I am saying that the characters written for the story could just as easily have been portrayed by cardboard cutouts.
Once the movie ended, you didn't even fell that the movie had come full circle. It had just dragged you along by the nose for the entire duration that it ran for, without providing any kind of proper entertainment.
Do not succumb to the same mistake that I did when I went to watch this movie. The trailer actually made it look interesting. The actual movie, well let's just say that watching grass grow is far scarier...
- paul_haakonsen
- Oct 18, 2018
- Permalink
Much like the Blair Witch, Slender Man has always been scarier as an idea within the lore built around it than as a literal and physical presence of it. We laud what the Creepypasta community has done to up the ante with the character originally created by Victor Surge (properly credited at the end of the film as an early billing), and there have been positively freaky spins on the subject matter such as the YouTube project Marble Hornets, yet there have also been negative effects attributed to the character in the attempted murder in Wisconsin by prepubescent female friends. The tormenting figment of our minds is spooky enough to carry throughout 90 minutes of film with flashes here and there. Apparently Sylvain White (director) and David Birke (screenwriter) didn't get the memo.
I won't pretend like I could have written or made a better film, but I don't know if the right plot was chosen here. This is a story where SM is already embedded in the national consciousness and skeptical friends decide to attempt to summon him, only to bear the burden of his haunting, kidnapping and/or killing. I personally would have liked to see this have gone in one of three different directions: (1) have a tone more like The Ring where the demonic evil is not known as a figure but simply as a watched video with a curse (they even mention "virus" that would be a lot like the Ringu series and get into the anatomy of it), with no alias or concrete image in association to it; (2) let it play out more like a psychological horror, even if it means recapturing elements inspired by the stabbing incident four years ago; (3) found footage fashion, but Marble Hornets already did that, so I'll annex that recommendation immediately. There would be larger opportunities to provide a certain cloud of mystery and intrigue to explore something further, rather than simply to have too tangible of a grasp on the subject matter. Idea #2 might glorify and inspire that notion a little more than we need though, and since idea #1 would tie more closely to the film's actual events I'd say that #1 would be my personal go-to. In fact, when the girls watch the video it actually reminded me of The Ring to begin with, and that was a good thing; too bad they did not continue much down that path.
Characters also never really had any kind of realistic dialogue. The opening conversation between two schoolmates just has you thinking: "This feels like they're reading a script." That's never a good thing. Like many horror movies, characters have trouble elaborating what they see and feel with each other, and it comes at an unnerving level here. Only one character ever tries to really cope with what's going on in a verbal manner, but she simply doesn't push enough to bring the others to her side and it feels like a lost cause. I'll admit that she tries, but she doesn't articulate herself well enough and from the outside looking in just comes off as sounding irrational. Well-written horror movies have characters who can actually think and speak rationally, yet still have trouble being able to overcome their villainous adversities.
The way it was shot was another concern of mine. This film is dark, and by that I mean it is dimly lit to a fault. I know they probably opted for more natural lighting at times, but even then there are no carefully-constructed shots to contrast silhouetted characters with some sort of lighter background from a light or a dusk evening sky. Even many interiors seem like people forget to pay their electricity bills as they only light up the bare minimum amount. Forget tone, this was just a slighted level of realism that probably could have resolved a lot of the characters' dumb moments if they just turned on a couple of more lights at times. They're also always going out on their lonesome after sunset, which tends to be a recipe for disaster. White chose to let sound play a major role in the film, but often did not establish a shot for us to sense our place in the scene. Everything looked too same-ish to lack the feeling of impact moments take place as they should. I think the choice of shots got better as the film went on, but at that point it was too little too late.
There were three scenes in the middle of the film that are almost back-to-back-to-back that probably provide the best overall tension. All three scenes have great buildup, but unfortunately only one executes strongly and the other two flatten out rather quickly. This mostly has to do with the fact that they try too hard to show more, and the effect is lessened as a result. That, or like many horror films it is just poorly edited (sorry to stray off-topic, but speaking of poorly edited... in the beginning of the film there is a "One week later" moment that shows up in the bottom right corner of the screen and it fades away the moment it comes on that you might actually miss it). The scene that pulls off its moments well works because of SM really only appearing soft in the background if that, and a lot of mentally-jarring moments for the character that make the sequence feel nightmarish. If more scary moments in the film were like this or if there were less attempts at scaring the audience in general, it would have heightened these moments much more and become extremely effective. Alas, it was not meant to be and we are resorted to cheap thrills. What makes matters worse is that I think some moments would have been great without inserting eerie music alongside them, and I don't want to call them jump-scares because to be honest there aren't too many here (most times they are intentionally telegraphed as they creep into the frame, but the ones that are there could have served better without the score).
Before those three scenes that I mentioned (and outside of watching the main video), the story really had trouble grabbing me; past those three scenes (outside of a great 'mentally disturbing images' sequence and one of the visual shots near the end of the film), the story really begins to whimper out. It tries to work in two other characters to an extent and does not deliver on carrying out their arcs throughout (add in one of the main characters as well), parent involvement is set to a bare minimum and they are useless when present (in fact, there's a weird bit where someone thinks they are at the wrong address because they didn't see any cars in the driveway... ever hear of a garage??), there is little to no conveyed emotion for the loss of people near and dear to the main characters to feel their motivation as a great driving force, nobody ever listens to anybody in the film except when it's a detriment to their cause, and for some strange reason the girls all know the passwords to each others' laptops (just a small nitpick on my end). Worst of all, Slender Man was only slightly imposing and just not very scary, and he appears far too often. When I watch the Marble Hornets series on YouTube and he rarely appears in a quick couple of frames, I get the most unsettling chill in my body. When I play Slender and am traveling the forest as the stomps begin happening, the tension ramps up and gets me in the right mood to freak me out when something actually happens, no matter how scary. As a constant, Joey King was the only onscreen redeeming quality of this abhorrent mess.
They should have gone with "less is more," and they instead went for the reverse tactic. That did not work for Blair Witch (2016), and it's no surprise that it didn't work here as well. This wasn't even in the "so bad it's good" camp unfortunately, and I am someone who will be curious to watch this regardless of any ratings. I do ask that you try and heed my warning when I say there is not much you are going to get from this movie. It wasn't scary, gripping, fun, exciting, or anything like that. Just a morose form of cinematic poppycock that probably came out five years later than it should have, and with the wrong story to boot. I just feel like they missed the mark on what makes Slender Man spooky, or they tried too heavily to rely on his spookiness to tell the story that they did.
Oh, and the first trailer ending shots of the girl in the dress is not in the film. I don't even know who that girl is suppose to be, because she is not in the film either heh. Sorry to spoil you there (more of an anti-spoiler).
I won't pretend like I could have written or made a better film, but I don't know if the right plot was chosen here. This is a story where SM is already embedded in the national consciousness and skeptical friends decide to attempt to summon him, only to bear the burden of his haunting, kidnapping and/or killing. I personally would have liked to see this have gone in one of three different directions: (1) have a tone more like The Ring where the demonic evil is not known as a figure but simply as a watched video with a curse (they even mention "virus" that would be a lot like the Ringu series and get into the anatomy of it), with no alias or concrete image in association to it; (2) let it play out more like a psychological horror, even if it means recapturing elements inspired by the stabbing incident four years ago; (3) found footage fashion, but Marble Hornets already did that, so I'll annex that recommendation immediately. There would be larger opportunities to provide a certain cloud of mystery and intrigue to explore something further, rather than simply to have too tangible of a grasp on the subject matter. Idea #2 might glorify and inspire that notion a little more than we need though, and since idea #1 would tie more closely to the film's actual events I'd say that #1 would be my personal go-to. In fact, when the girls watch the video it actually reminded me of The Ring to begin with, and that was a good thing; too bad they did not continue much down that path.
Characters also never really had any kind of realistic dialogue. The opening conversation between two schoolmates just has you thinking: "This feels like they're reading a script." That's never a good thing. Like many horror movies, characters have trouble elaborating what they see and feel with each other, and it comes at an unnerving level here. Only one character ever tries to really cope with what's going on in a verbal manner, but she simply doesn't push enough to bring the others to her side and it feels like a lost cause. I'll admit that she tries, but she doesn't articulate herself well enough and from the outside looking in just comes off as sounding irrational. Well-written horror movies have characters who can actually think and speak rationally, yet still have trouble being able to overcome their villainous adversities.
The way it was shot was another concern of mine. This film is dark, and by that I mean it is dimly lit to a fault. I know they probably opted for more natural lighting at times, but even then there are no carefully-constructed shots to contrast silhouetted characters with some sort of lighter background from a light or a dusk evening sky. Even many interiors seem like people forget to pay their electricity bills as they only light up the bare minimum amount. Forget tone, this was just a slighted level of realism that probably could have resolved a lot of the characters' dumb moments if they just turned on a couple of more lights at times. They're also always going out on their lonesome after sunset, which tends to be a recipe for disaster. White chose to let sound play a major role in the film, but often did not establish a shot for us to sense our place in the scene. Everything looked too same-ish to lack the feeling of impact moments take place as they should. I think the choice of shots got better as the film went on, but at that point it was too little too late.
There were three scenes in the middle of the film that are almost back-to-back-to-back that probably provide the best overall tension. All three scenes have great buildup, but unfortunately only one executes strongly and the other two flatten out rather quickly. This mostly has to do with the fact that they try too hard to show more, and the effect is lessened as a result. That, or like many horror films it is just poorly edited (sorry to stray off-topic, but speaking of poorly edited... in the beginning of the film there is a "One week later" moment that shows up in the bottom right corner of the screen and it fades away the moment it comes on that you might actually miss it). The scene that pulls off its moments well works because of SM really only appearing soft in the background if that, and a lot of mentally-jarring moments for the character that make the sequence feel nightmarish. If more scary moments in the film were like this or if there were less attempts at scaring the audience in general, it would have heightened these moments much more and become extremely effective. Alas, it was not meant to be and we are resorted to cheap thrills. What makes matters worse is that I think some moments would have been great without inserting eerie music alongside them, and I don't want to call them jump-scares because to be honest there aren't too many here (most times they are intentionally telegraphed as they creep into the frame, but the ones that are there could have served better without the score).
Before those three scenes that I mentioned (and outside of watching the main video), the story really had trouble grabbing me; past those three scenes (outside of a great 'mentally disturbing images' sequence and one of the visual shots near the end of the film), the story really begins to whimper out. It tries to work in two other characters to an extent and does not deliver on carrying out their arcs throughout (add in one of the main characters as well), parent involvement is set to a bare minimum and they are useless when present (in fact, there's a weird bit where someone thinks they are at the wrong address because they didn't see any cars in the driveway... ever hear of a garage??), there is little to no conveyed emotion for the loss of people near and dear to the main characters to feel their motivation as a great driving force, nobody ever listens to anybody in the film except when it's a detriment to their cause, and for some strange reason the girls all know the passwords to each others' laptops (just a small nitpick on my end). Worst of all, Slender Man was only slightly imposing and just not very scary, and he appears far too often. When I watch the Marble Hornets series on YouTube and he rarely appears in a quick couple of frames, I get the most unsettling chill in my body. When I play Slender and am traveling the forest as the stomps begin happening, the tension ramps up and gets me in the right mood to freak me out when something actually happens, no matter how scary. As a constant, Joey King was the only onscreen redeeming quality of this abhorrent mess.
They should have gone with "less is more," and they instead went for the reverse tactic. That did not work for Blair Witch (2016), and it's no surprise that it didn't work here as well. This wasn't even in the "so bad it's good" camp unfortunately, and I am someone who will be curious to watch this regardless of any ratings. I do ask that you try and heed my warning when I say there is not much you are going to get from this movie. It wasn't scary, gripping, fun, exciting, or anything like that. Just a morose form of cinematic poppycock that probably came out five years later than it should have, and with the wrong story to boot. I just feel like they missed the mark on what makes Slender Man spooky, or they tried too heavily to rely on his spookiness to tell the story that they did.
Oh, and the first trailer ending shots of the girl in the dress is not in the film. I don't even know who that girl is suppose to be, because she is not in the film either heh. Sorry to spoil you there (more of an anti-spoiler).
- Brandon_Walker_Robinson
- Aug 9, 2018
- Permalink
The first point that highlights in "Slender Man" is the awfully dark cinematography that makes impossible to distinguish what is happening for example in the woods during the night. The silly storyline is senseless and certainly targeted to brainless teenagers, with four stupid and annoying lead characters. There is nothing worthwhile watching in this flick.
In the past, IMDb was a reference to movie lovers with relevant content about films. However, presently this site is easily manipulated by fake reviews, many of them with one or two lines, and votes by robots making the User Rating absolutely unreliable. My vote is one.
Title (Brazil): "Slender Man: Pesadelo Sem Rosto" ("Slender Man: Nightmare without Face")
In the past, IMDb was a reference to movie lovers with relevant content about films. However, presently this site is easily manipulated by fake reviews, many of them with one or two lines, and votes by robots making the User Rating absolutely unreliable. My vote is one.
Title (Brazil): "Slender Man: Pesadelo Sem Rosto" ("Slender Man: Nightmare without Face")
- claudio_carvalho
- Oct 27, 2018
- Permalink
I'm sorry but if you thought this was a legitimate horror movie, you do not know horror. This movie is what we like to call a huge dumpster fire. It's not scary, the plot sucks, and the acting is terrible. It's not even one of those movies that's "so bad it's good". It's just bad. All bad.
At the time of writing this 'Slender Man' currently has an IMDb rating of 2.9. For anyone unfamiliar with the site that is incredibly low, for any film of any genre. Does the film deserve a rating that low? Not in my opinion, no. It is far from a perfect film and has many, many flaws, but what exactly has got it that low I can't say.
The first thing you'll notice about this film is that it doesn't have the most attractive cast. We are used to horror movies having abnormally beautiful casts with actors and actresses who are perhaps not so great at acting. That really can't be said here and I think it was a good thing for the film. It made the characters feel more real and down to earth (mind you considering the subject matter for the film that goes out the window pretty quickly anyway).
The films biggest sufferings come in the form of the writing. For one thing there are far too many dream sequences. I find most horror films have at least one these days unfortunately and that is bad enough. 'Slender Man' has at least half a dozen and they can be seen coming from a mile away. The dialogue is also especially sloppy in certain scenes.
The character of 'Slender Man' is suitably creepy and definitely good enough to make a film out of. There are a couple of really good jump-scares, but there are a few appallingly bad ones too, like one where a woman simply walks past a character in a library. This is far from a great film by any stretch of the imagination, but it is also far from being as bad as people seem to be making out. Watch it for yourself and make up your own mind I would suggest.
The first thing you'll notice about this film is that it doesn't have the most attractive cast. We are used to horror movies having abnormally beautiful casts with actors and actresses who are perhaps not so great at acting. That really can't be said here and I think it was a good thing for the film. It made the characters feel more real and down to earth (mind you considering the subject matter for the film that goes out the window pretty quickly anyway).
The films biggest sufferings come in the form of the writing. For one thing there are far too many dream sequences. I find most horror films have at least one these days unfortunately and that is bad enough. 'Slender Man' has at least half a dozen and they can be seen coming from a mile away. The dialogue is also especially sloppy in certain scenes.
The character of 'Slender Man' is suitably creepy and definitely good enough to make a film out of. There are a couple of really good jump-scares, but there are a few appallingly bad ones too, like one where a woman simply walks past a character in a library. This is far from a great film by any stretch of the imagination, but it is also far from being as bad as people seem to be making out. Watch it for yourself and make up your own mind I would suggest.
- jtindahouse
- Aug 26, 2018
- Permalink
The four stars is for the actors. They did their best with a bad script! If you wanna see how creepy this movie could have been then watch "Mama". The director and script writer threw every cliché in the book at them!
I love this movie. The Slender Man's design looks creepy like he should be,I like the cast,the visuals on the forest,the creepy scenes,everything. This is my kind of movie.
I consider myself to have fairly discerning taste, so I'm disappointed to see such panning of a fairly decent horror film. It pays excellent homage to the creepypasta lore, is well shot, edited, acted, and manages to be "creepy" at its (unfortunately) PG13 rating. Don't fall for the reverse Emperor's New Clothes Syndrome: If you're interested in seeing the film, then I suggest you give it a try despite the abhorrent reviews.
- dabbenstein
- Aug 18, 2018
- Permalink
We almost got out of it, that bottomless pick of garbage. But this film ended our chances, it breaks my heart. But I think the horror genre is dead, and that's why this is the worst horror film ever made. The acting is horrible, the story is abysmal, its hilarious to watch this horrible accident unfold in front of your eyes.
- squidytherdvsbadfandoms
- Aug 18, 2018
- Permalink