At the request of Penelope, who has had no news of her husband Ulysses for ten years after the Trojan War, his childhood friend Heritias, who has fallen into disgrace after an apparently accidental murder, sets off in search of him. In the footsteps of Ulysses, as inspired by the events in Homer's epic poem, Heritias (aka Heriseus in some versions) first sails to Troy, the last place the leader of the Achaean troops was seen. Gathering clues about his friend little by little as he pursues his adventures, he travels the Islands of the Aegean Sea, crosses dreamlike universes and descends into the Underworld. Forced to undergo dreadful trials, he has to fight against terrifying creatures, like the Cyclops, the Gorgon, the Laestrygonians and Cerberus. He has to foil the manipulations of the gods, escape from the conspiracies of Poseidon's agents, and resist the charms of seductive enchantresses and the hallucinating Lotus-eaters.