This one-off special follows on from the recent series with Sky; not only in terms of contract but narratively. Alan's outbursts on his radio show, combined with a 'viral' video of him insulting chavs, have put him on the backfoot and under pressure. To ingratiate himself to the public again, he does this show to explore the class divide in a country more divided than ever.
Much like the show it followed, this special is not classic Partridge, but it is good enough to serve as a reminder of the character and what makes him work. This special gives him exposure to those he sees as beneath him, those he knows as his betters, and puts him in a role as a great entertainer and observer. In all of these things we see his character come through, as he is a patronizing, cowardly, self- serving, groveling small person who has an ego much bigger than the reality supports, and far more fragile too. In some moments and interactions we see all this, and mostly it is funny. It is not as well constructed or observed as some of the best Partridge moments, but the base is the same and the character still works.
Unlikely to convince new viewers that this is a character worth following, but for fans it serves well.