William Craft credited as playing...
The Fatbat • Bruce Wayne
- The Fatbat: I remember every detail: the Barista wore gray, you wore blue. You know I hate blue, it's an unlucky color. Your family did what now?
- Silver St. Cloud: Yes. I put that dress away. When you accept it's time to stop dressing as a bat and fighting crime, I'll wear it again.
- The Fatbat: Let's go back, your family paid for what?
- Silver St. Cloud: Water under the bridge. Bruce I've missed you.
- Bozo: Are you fucking Crazy? What did you do to him? I made a deal with Gyoche Dent for that clowns life!
- The Fatbat: Calm down, he's still alive. People now know who he is.
- Aunt Miriam: Bruce, remember who you are, this is not needed. Leave him for the police.
- Robin: Master Wayne this is not like you.
- Bozo: You're a cruel man, I thought you were supposed to be a hero? You'll be arrested for this.
- The Fatbat: I don't think so, were vigilantes and you clowns have torn this city to pieces. Ms. Dent told me about your deal. You're a good negotiator. I don;t make deals. How bout you Robin, could you make that deal?
- Robin: Nope, we don't make deals.
- The Fatbat: Aunt Miriam? Alfred?
- Aunt Miriam: I don't negotiate. I just do the right thing, then no worries.
- Alfred Pennyworth: No, Master Wayne. He's a very clever bloke.
- The Fatbat: I agree. Damn good deal. Now I don't care about you getting awards, who gives a damn, I tried to retire, but you clowns decided to mess with my emotions. Anyway, I do have one question? When you go back to living as a normal person. Are you ever going to dress like a clown again?
- Aunt Miriam: Makes me sick, A clown living as a real person.
- The Fatbat: So, I mean if I had my way, you'd wear that make up for the rest of your life. But I'm aware that's not practical. I mean at some point you gotta take it off. So I'm going to give you a little something you can't take off.
- Zod: Human, you will not kill a son of Krypton.
- The Fatbat: He's my friend. I would never hurt him. Our mothers had the same first name.
- Ursa: We shall care for him human. Kryptonian care will restore him.
- The Fatbat: That's best.
- Ursa: I feel like his mother maybe in another lifetime, I could have been.
- The Fatbat: Take him to the fortress. Contact me if you need anything. This Clown College is finished.
- Mr. Super: Brucie... Finish them. I'll be fine. But if I die, don't bury me in Kansas and Metropolis in dual ceremonies, then have me wake up in a pine box. That's just bad story telling.
- The Fatbat: You'll be fine Clark, and Zack Snyder has no input on this script.
- The Fatbat: You sick Bastards! I gave you too much credit, You're not Gods, you're not even human!
- Harley Quinn: Fatbat! You're finished! Clowns attack!
- The Fatbat: Is There no one else! None of you sick fucks, that can challenge me! Today You taste fear! Followed by Pain, a lot of Pain! Do yourself a favor stay down, you sick bastard.
- The Joker: Hey fatass, I want to make you a deal.
- The Fatbat: There are no pacts between, Lions and Clowns.
- The Joker: Fine, now die.
- The Fatbat: Bring it!
- Silver St. Cloud: Do you miss being the Fatbat?
- The Fatbat: Yes, I do, But I am happy. I never thought I could be happy.
- Silver St. Cloud: There is something we need to talk about...
- The Fatbat: Look, I hardly ever watch those videos. I think Alfred downloaded them, then the names just intrigued me. I didn't know what a GILF was.
- Silver St. Cloud: No, not that. It's about...
- The Fatbat: Sorry I just need to eat more red meat, the doctor said take the pills and wait 20 minutes. And try do some more exercise.
- Silver St. Cloud: Once again just let me finish... Bruce, that first night I met you in the club, it wasn't by chance. I made a deal with the devil to find you.
- The Fatbat: The past doesn't matter. For instance if either of us ever participated in blow job contest, or was a fan of the New Kids, it's in the past. It doesn't matter.
- Silver St. Cloud: I think it does.
- The Fatbat: I was a freshman at Gotham State, all the guys in my fraternity were experimenting. But that's in the past.
- Silver St. Cloud: What?
- The Fatbat: New Kids, Milli Vanilli, it was a different time.
- Silver St. Cloud: You are so innocent. That's part of the reason I love you.
- The Fatbat: I love you too Silver. The only thing I could never forgive is if you made a deal with Joker and Harley.