Krista Kangas credited as playing...
Harley Quinn
- The Joker: Congrats Harley, I had my doubts, But the Fatbat is still alive.
- Harley Quinn: For now, let's go home. I want to try Texmex cooking.
- The Joker: We'll never fully be in charge as We can never win as long as he is alive but I gotta hand it to you, you really have become Queen of the City.
- Harley Quinn: Hail to the Queen!
- The Fatbat: You sick Bastards! I gave you too much credit, You're not Gods, you're not even human!
- Harley Quinn: Fatbat! You're finished! Clowns attack!
- The Fatbat: Is There no one else! None of you sick fucks, that can challenge me! Today You taste fear! Followed by Pain, a lot of Pain! Do yourself a favor stay down, you sick bastard.
- The Joker: Hey fatass, I want to make you a deal.
- The Fatbat: There are no pacts between, Lions and Clowns.
- The Joker: Fine, now die.
- The Fatbat: Bring it!
- Harley Quinn: My brothers and sisters of mirth! I would rather fight beside you than any army of thousands! Let no one forget how menacing we are, we are Gods! Do you know what's waiting for us here? Immortality! Take it! It's yours! Today we finish what we started so many months ago the destruction of the Justice Bullies.