Dale Hills credited as playing...
James T. Kirk
- Bozo: Are you fucking Crazy? What did you do to him? I made a deal with Gyoche Dent for that clowns life!
- The Fatbat: Calm down, he's still alive. People now know who he is.
- Aunt Miriam: Bruce, remember who you are, this is not needed. Leave him for the police.
- Robin: Master Wayne this is not like you.
- Bozo: You're a cruel man, I thought you were supposed to be a hero? You'll be arrested for this.
- The Fatbat: I don't think so, were vigilantes and you clowns have torn this city to pieces. Ms. Dent told me about your deal. You're a good negotiator. I don;t make deals. How bout you Robin, could you make that deal?
- Robin: Nope, we don't make deals.
- The Fatbat: Aunt Miriam? Alfred?
- Aunt Miriam: I don't negotiate. I just do the right thing, then no worries.
- Alfred Pennyworth: No, Master Wayne. He's a very clever bloke.
- The Fatbat: I agree. Damn good deal. Now I don't care about you getting awards, who gives a damn, I tried to retire, but you clowns decided to mess with my emotions. Anyway, I do have one question? When you go back to living as a normal person. Are you ever going to dress like a clown again?
- Aunt Miriam: Makes me sick, A clown living as a real person.
- The Fatbat: So, I mean if I had my way, you'd wear that make up for the rest of your life. But I'm aware that's not practical. I mean at some point you gotta take it off. So I'm going to give you a little something you can't take off.