If you are one of those "niche" individuals that has an interest in synthesizers, you are well aware that there isn't much in the way of documentaries which cover this topic. There is the obvious content on YouTube and one of two well known docs, but they don't come around that often. However this really isn't one of them.
This is really a personal story about the daughter of the man who invented the Resynator synth, which is as obscure as its spelling. Its not one that is constantly eulogised by the synth obsessed community. Which is probably for a good reason. Unlike the Roland TB303 for example, which was a flop at launch but found a second life later on. The Resynator simply flopped and that was it. Because the Resynator was more of a guitar pedal on steroids than an actual synth. Even if it obviously did what a synth does. Because what it did was weird. It was designed so that someone could play a guitar or other instrument and the resynator would transform it into something else. Great if you are a guitar played who wanted it to sound like another instrument, but not so great if you just wanted synth sounds without needing another instrument to play through it in the first place. So there's that. Which is what may put off its intended target audience. The other aspect is that this is really an emotional journey movie, so its actually less about the hardware than it is the daughter. And emotional journeys aren't really what the hardware synth community is about. Its currently sitting at 7 on here which I suspect will drop as more people see this. This is the first review.