There are many instances of the environment going from snow to absolutely no snow between shots. The Ardennes was suffering from the worst winter in decades where snow was over a foot deep.
When the Lieutenant and Sergeant fire their own single-shot panzerfaust at a German panzer, the camera cuts to the panzer being hit and then back to the Americans. The panzerfaust still has its warhead on the tube.
When the Americans use their SCR-536 "Handie-Talkie" radio, they do not extend its antenna that also acts as its on-off switch. So they're talking to no one.
The Germans repeatedly make elementary tactical errors, which never happened even with weak units. But these are supposed to be veterans.
Real soldiers never achieved the 'kill ratio' the film shows. It devalues the fight and insults the memory of those who actually fought.
Real soldiers never achieved the 'kill ratio' the film shows. It devalues the fight and insults the memory of those who actually fought.
At one point, a soldier transmits Morse code with a radio (with its antenna in non-operating position), and it's received by a wired field telephone.
At 36 minutes a plastic water bottle is clearly visible lying on the downed tree next to the German soldier.
The Americans need to get intelligence on enemy activity in the area. Yet when they capture an SS grenadier, they let him go. This is foolish as it denies them the intel they need and also enables the prisoner to tell his comrades where the enemy is.