Hayley Law credited as playing...
- Mouse: It was a full pack of cigarettes sort of night. I don't know what possessed me. Who knows what possesses mad, compulsive people to perform mad, compulsive acts? I couldn't shake that feeling from this morning. Some self-destructive part of me was pulling me to dark, familiar streets. Into dark, familiar corners. To dark, familiar moons.
- Ugly: Did he hurt you?
- Mouse: Not more than I let him.
- Ugly: I'll never understand you.
- Mouse: You're probably right about that.
- Ugly: You're going to get yourself hurt. Like, not in a fun way. Actually hurt. This whole "willfully pursuing chaos" thing doesn't end well. You might not care, but I... I worry
- Mouse: I know you do, Ugly. Don't.
- Mouse: I never dream. But that night I did. If I was a superstitious person, I would have taken it as a sign. A marker of dread and foreboding omens. I remember feeling full of fear as I awoke that morning. A feeling that's supposed to fade as you leave your sleep, and return to your bed, your job, your coffee. Except that feeling wouldn't leave me. It would stay with me all that day into the next. Because some feelings you just can't shake.