This film essentially begins with a married man by the name of "Gary Emerson" (Jason Gerhardt) flying from Los Angeles to Kansas City to attend his 20th high school reunion. While there he meets his former girlfriend who dated back then for a year and a half named "Valerie Stinnell" (Natasha Henstridge). After a few drinks he tells her that his marriage is currently experiencing some tough times and after embarrassing each other they kiss. However, when she suggests that they go to her hotel room to continue he politely turns her down and subsequently flies back to Los Angeles the next morning. Not long afterward he gets a request on Facebook to renew their friendship and-thinking nothing of it-he accepts her offer. But what he doesn't know is that Valerie wants more than just friendship and that she will stop at nothing to break up his marriage so that she can have Gary all to herself. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that what separates this familiar story line from others of its kind is the strong performance of both Marguerite Moreau (as Gary's wife "Jess Emerson") and the aforementioned Natasha Henstridge who played their parts quite convincingly. Admittedly, some of the scenes were a bit unrealistic and much too obvious, but it was still worth the time spent and for that reason I have rated it accordingly. Average.