Oscar Isaac credited as playing...
- [from trailer]
- Abby: You ever gonna ask me out, Will?
- Will: I'm just waiting for the right moment.
- Abby: That's good to know. All right. I'll see you around.
- [gets up]
- Will: [before she walks away] Abby, I'm waiting for the right moment cause when I ask you out, there's not gonna be any turning back for me. I'm not gonna date anybody else for the rest of my life. I'm not gonna love anybody else for the rest of my life. I'm not gonna really care about anything else for the rest of my life. I'm waiting for the right moment, Abby 'cause when I ask you out, it's gonna be the most important moment of my life. And I just wanna make sure that I get it right.
- [from trailer, at dinner table]
- Mom: Don't take this the wrong way, all I ever wanted was for Will to marry a woman with dead parents so we don't have to share the grandchildren.
- Will: Mom!
- Mom: It's okaaay! She knows what I mean...
- [everyone laughs]
- Dr. Cait Morris: How are you feeling?
- Will: [shrugs] Meh! You know... same.
- Dr. Cait Morris: You keep saying that.
- Will: I keep meaning it.