Dongxue Li credited as playing...
Yan Jian
- Lauder: You can put that in the fridge
- [referring to a six pack of beer]
- Lauder: .
- Yan Jian: Yeah, I'll put in a little bit. I'm a just little nervous.
- Lauder: I'm nervous, too. My excuse to come here, I went to Atlantic City. Put it into the refrigerator. We will just chill out.
- Yan Jian: That's it? I'm a little nervous...
- Lauder: We will see what happens. If you could put it into the refrigerator...
- [China salesman finally takes the six pack to put into the fridge]
- Lauder: Don't get drunk with that!
- Yan Jian: Eh, eh, eh... I won't.