Estocolmo is an interesting Argentine series that focuses on the intricacies of human trafficking. It jumps around quite a bit - from "three years previously" to "three years later," and thus is often somewhat hard to follow. But, overall, it is entertaining. I would have rated it much higher had not the subtitle synchronization fallen apart in Episodes 11, 12, and 13. Basically (and I timed it) the subtitles were either a full minute ahead or behind the "live" voices. With short scenes, this became a real problem - to the point that I was quite confused toward the end. Fortunately, I downloaded it to play on PlayOn off of Netflix, and I was able to jump around, but toward the end I just gave up and tried to make a mental note of the prior scene as I saw the subtitle dialogue. Clearly, those involved in post-production deserve a very black mark, but Netflix also should bear some responsibility. (I'll apologize if someone else has a decent experience and my problem was the particular videos I downloaded from Netflix).