I have to agree with JoelNova that the story line in this is weak. Purely coincidental to his experience, I also found myself fading halfway through the 4th episode and by the middle of the 5th episode gave up on it entirely.
The characters are super-cliche. The story is action-packed but borders on boring plot-wise. I am not an easy person to bore, but found myself totally bored by the middle of the 4th episode, where I found myself thinking, "When is this episode going to end?" That's never good for an anime.
While this is not rated for children, undoubtedly younger ones will watch it for the cute characters (such as a chibi dragon). Some parents may find objectionable the strong promotion of fantasy "gods" and even repeated recommendations in at least one episode to pray to and worship such gods. This could have influence on the impressionable.
The graphics are moderately acceptable (nothing special). The dubbed sound syncs nicely and the background effects/music don't override the voices. So technically it's done well enough... if just barely enough to slide by. I did like some of the designs on the skyships. The dragons were sadly droll. And just to say: Tiamat has worse ranged targeting than Star Wars Storm Troopers-- unbelievably bad. You want one of the worst magical powers in the cosmos, here it is: highly powerful beam and explosive bursts that never hit their intended target. That would be a bummer. Worst. Dragon. Power. Ever.
I don't think there is a unique, original character in the series. In short, it might appeal to action junkies but for those who appreciate skillful story-telling, this falls far short.